Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Taking a Positive Attitude Around the World

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 5:51 pm on Friday, March 9, 2007

Today my “40 Blogs in 40 (Business) Days” book tour finds me traveling virtually to Beresford, South Dakota, to speak with freelance writer Alyice Edrich. On one of her three blogs, she interviews with authors, literary agents, business people, and photographers. I was excited that she agreed to interview me when I asked.

In our interview, I offer some advice on how individuals, who have been told they wouldn’t amount to much, can begin to find value in themselves. It all about attitude: tuning out the negative ones and embracing the positive ones, which can be so empowering. Enjoy the interview.

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The most recent visitors – thank you!

This wraps the seventh week of my eight-week virtual book tour. I would like to thank you all for following along. I’m amazed by how people from around the world are finding my blog. The power of the blogoshpere!

Saturday night Darrell and I are going to see Rod Stewart in concert. This will be my fifth or sixth time seeing him. How can you tell he is my favourite? It’ll be a great break and I’ll return re-energized for the final week of this book tour. Have a great weekend! I sure will. 😉

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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