Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Catching the Back to School Fever: Launching a Mini Series on My Years from Special Ed Class to University

Filed under: I'll Do It Myself: The Book,Living with a disability — by at 11:28 am on Thursday, September 10, 2009

A young Glenda wearing long-legged braces and standing with her walker

With Back to School Fever in the air, I have this small urge to go back to school, if for no other reason than to buy the fun school supplies they have nowadays.

But, seriously, I was one of those strange kids who loved school!

In my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself, I share my first day of school:

I began Grade 1 in my purple heather sweater and purple plaid kilt, treasures from our summer holiday in Edinburgh. I was one bonnie lass!

School was an older building; actually, it consisted of two buildings and a portable. The main building had four or five classrooms for the primary grades, the staff room, changing room and the principal’s office. The older kids were upstairs in the other building, accessible by a long, steep ramp.

As this was before integration and mainstreaming had been invented, all the Special Ed students went to this school, which was actually an annex of a larger school, several blocks away. This was definitely segregation. But, at that age, I didn’t know any differently. I was excited to be starting school with my new notebooks, crayons and lefty scissors. And, I do remember hating missing school when I was sick. It was so boring to stay home.

At this point in this post, I was going to share some of the adaptations that were made for me in the classroom. But, rather than write one lengthy post, I have decided to try something new. After all, isn’t that what going back to school is all about?

From Special Ed Classroom to University GraduateThis post launches a mini series on my school years: the classroom accommodations made during my elementary and high school years through to seven years at university, the successes and struggles I faced, and how school may have been easier had I had the technology that exists today.

By sharing my experiences and lessons learned, I hope to offer ideas and encouragement to parents with children with disabilities who are still navigating the school system, as well as support for older students with disabilities and for teachers who work with them.

This mini series is still very much under development. Your suggestions, ideas and questions are most welcomed and will help to shape this series.

I invite you to come back to follow this series over the next couple of weeks or to sign up using the form in the upper right corner to receive this series and my other blog posts right in your email inbox.

School is in. Let’s see what we learn by sharing and asking questions.

Next miniseries post: Special Ed Class Provides Early Training for the Left Thumb Blogger

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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  1. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » Special Ed Class Provides Early Training for the Left Thumb Blogger


Comment by Lori-ann

September 10, 2009 @ 12:05 pm


I’ll definately be coming back to follow this series. What a great idea!

Comment by Tris Hussey

September 10, 2009 @ 1:01 pm

Great series! I hope you got some racing stripes, maybe those ribbony things for the handles for your support. Come on a kid has to pimp out her gear right! 😀

Comment by Suzie Cheel

September 10, 2009 @ 5:55 pm

this is like you book, going to be great- just stumbled for you

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