Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

6 Signs Spring is Finally Here

Filed under: General — by at 2:28 pm on Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring – particularly late spring when it is a tad warmer – is my favourite season because it is when everything comes alive in bright colours without the heat of summer.

Last Sunday Darrell and I trekked around False Creek. With camera at the ready, I was on the hunt for sure signs that spring is definitely here. See what I found…

1. What is spring without pussy willows?

Pussy willows against a blue sky

2. The temperature is warm enough to curl up with a book outside.

Two women resting on reclining benches and reading books

3. The birds are twittering about. Winking smile

A sculpture of a gigantic bird

4. Canoe paddlers are practicing on False Creek.

Long canoe paddlers

5. Snow is still atop the local mountains and only there.

False Creek in foreground with snowy tipped mountains in the background

6. My favourite part of spring: the blossoms!

Pink blossoms on a bush

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Comment by Stuart Maloney

April 3, 2012 @ 7:50 am

Hey there, happened upon your blog! You take beautiful photos!

I too, live with cerebral palsy, and it’s been quite an adventure indeed! Looking forward to talking more with you about your book. I started following you on Twitter. My handle is @stuartmaloney26.

Maybe we could trade books!

Comment by satsumabug

April 6, 2012 @ 10:26 am

Those reclining benches are amazing! Do they have a name? Where exactly are they?

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