Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Law of Attraction in Action at the Readers’ Café

Filed under: Readers Cafe — by at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, September 19, 2007

(Photo credit: Diego RB)

Hi and welcome to the Readers’ Café – a place to gather and to share. Tonight we’re at Restaurante Maria Mata Mouro in Pelourinho, the old historic center of Salvador, Brazil. I couldn’t resist popping into this inviting spot. (If you have a photo of a favourite café that you’d like to share at a Readers’ Café, please let me know.)

Please join us and help yourself to a beverage of your choice. Then sit back, drink in the magnificent beauty of this place and join in the conversation by posting comments below. Hit your internet browser’s REFRESH button to see new comments as others join in the conversation. All that I ask is that you respect others and keep it relatively family-friendly. Also, keep in mind that this is a public space, so share what you feel comfortable sharing publicly.

I would like to begin by sharing this story:

Earlier this year, Do It Myself Blog was a finalist for the Best of Blog Award, under the Best Inspirational Blog category. Winners were determined by the number of votes received; the Grand Prize winner is to be announced in Las Vegas at the Blog World Expo in November. The sound of Vegas for my birthday appealed to me and I wondered if the Law of Attraction would work in my favour. Unfortunately, I became sick with bronchitis for a month and did not promote the competition as much as I would have liked, missing first place by thirty-something votes. Disappointing, but no big deal. However, Vegas for my birthday remained in the back of my mind.

Last week, I was poking around the Blog World Expo site, reading the conference schedule and list of presenters, which includes names like Andy Wibbels, Leesa Barnes and Des Walsh – my virtual mentors and colleagues. I had this intense urge to attend the conference, to meet these names in person and to soak up all I can about blogging and social media. Blogging is my medium and I want to be the best that I can be at it.

Discussing it with Darrell, we then quickly researched hotels and airfares. Thursday, without a clue how we’d pay off the credit card, we booked it! Leaving the Flight Centre, we came up with a creative solution for paying off the plastic. Not ideal, but definitely doable.

While I was writing the blog post sharing my exciting news, I received an email from a client. He needed to pay me in advance to fully spend a grant. Are you kidding me?! The amount will pay for a large chunk of the airfare and hotel!

Coincidence or the Law of Attraction in action?

Today’s topic is:

Does the Law of Attraction really work? Share your story.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.



Comment by Lori-ann

September 19, 2007 @ 6:07 pm

Thanks Darrell, I will for sure!

Comment by Mary McD

September 19, 2007 @ 6:08 pm

Sorry I missed this event – would have liked to chat a bit about it. Glenda, I voted for you as “awesome” in your YouTube blog… great job! Now, for the next installment – we want to see what Darrell looks like too! But I was psyched to see the joystick that I’ve read about…


Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:08 pm

That is great, Lori-ann. Voice output will definitely enhance communication with the listener!

Comment by Lori-ann

September 19, 2007 @ 6:09 pm

Sorry about the diversion off topic but you are the only people that I know that can really appreciate how much this will impact our lives.

As for the LOA…This is what we put forth to the universe and it looks like it is coming back our way. I do believe, I do believe, I do believe!

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:11 pm

Welcome Mary, we’re still live so please join in. Glad you liked the video!

Comment by Lori-ann

September 19, 2007 @ 6:12 pm

Speaking of the Youtube video. Kurtis types the same way with his left thumb and signs the letters he wants to type with his right hand.

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:15 pm

No problem, Lori-ann. Like with any good conversation, never know where it’ll lead us.

I’m happy for you and I definitely appreciate the importance of this device.

Comment by Mary McD

September 19, 2007 @ 6:18 pm

Great – glad I didn’t miss anything (too much)…

I’m a fan of the LOA, but I find that I appreciate Jon Gordon’s approach ( who emphasizes LOA with a different spin… check him out, and sign up for his newsletter, which always have a positive nugget to mine…

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:18 pm

That’s intriguing, Lori-ann.

Comment by Mary McD

September 19, 2007 @ 6:20 pm

Glenda, consider sending a note to your fan base, asking them to forward the YouTube video to their mailing list — I plan to do so and also ask them to vote for you daily. It’s just another great tool to get some votes for blogging for a year!

How much is the fund up to? I haven’t had a chance to check yet…

also, I’m in Pittsburgh PA right now – isn’t technology wonderful!

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:22 pm

Mary, I’ll check out Jon’s site, see what his spin is. Do you have a LOA in action story?

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:25 pm

Yes, I’m planning to do that, Mary. The fund is only at $1953. OH well. The site is down today so I’m not sure what that means.

Comment by Lori-ann

September 19, 2007 @ 6:33 pm

Well, I am going to say good night! It was nice to chat with you all tonight.

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:35 pm

Thanks for coming by, Lori-ann. Please stay in touch.

Comment by Mary McD

September 19, 2007 @ 6:39 pm

Sorry to hear that the fund isn’t better — that’s not going to buy very many pre-cut veggies, is it??

No real stories of LOA in action — still trying to figure out if it’s got a religious aspect to it (attribute it to God) or just more spirtual (attribute to the Universe)…

Comment by Mary McD

September 19, 2007 @ 6:40 pm

I think it goes back to how you appeal — who you are saying your prayer to…

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:44 pm

I was wondering what it would take to find a few sponsors.

Let me know if you figure it out…

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 6:47 pm

I haven’t put any effort into increasing the contributions yet. I wanted to be closer to first place before asking for money, but time is running out.

Comment by Suzie Cheel

September 19, 2007 @ 6:51 pm

Hi Glenda,

Des has Just shared this with me and will share it with my readers on Abundance Highway. look forward to meeting you at Blog World
truly amazing how the Law of attraction works


Comment by Des Walsh

September 19, 2007 @ 6:52 pm

Now why am I not surprised that you have found a way – or a way has found you – for you to be at BlogWorld Expo? Once I read that you’d decided to work on getting there, I knew it would happen. Clearly the universe decided that, once Glenda was focused on a result, resistance was futile. So looking forward to seeing you there!

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 7:01 pm

Hi Des! I’m so looking forward to meeting you in Vegas! Isn’t the universe amazing.

Welcome Suzie.

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 7:21 pm

Thank you everyone for coming. It has been a deep and enlightening conversation. Please come again on October 3rd for the next Reader’s Cafe.

I’ll leave you with this thought:

We must be the change we wish to see.
~ Gandhi

Comment by Karen Putz

September 19, 2007 @ 7:40 pm

Hi Glenda and Darrell,

Just got home from a school meeting. Your blog is a solid one– why not ask some major disability organizations to sponsor an ad on it?

Have a blast in Vegas!

Comment by Glenda

September 19, 2007 @ 8:07 pm

Hey Karen, good to see you. Yes, I was thinking about sponsors for the BFAY contest. Always something to look into!

Comment by Rick Calvert

September 19, 2007 @ 8:55 pm

Hello Glenda,

I just found your blog and read your post thanks to a tip from Des Walsh. I am very excited to learn that you will be joining us this November in Las Vegas and will make sure to find you and introduce myself during the show.

Best regards and….

Blog on!
Rick Calvert
CEO & Co-founder
BlogWorld & New Media Expo

Thank you for the link 8)

Comment by Thom Rutledge

September 20, 2007 @ 4:26 pm

Does the law of attraction work? Is wishing for something and having our wish fulfilled proof of such a law? What about all the things we want — genuinely want — that don’t show up in our lives? What about when bad things happen? Have we attracted all of those, as Rhonda Byrne & Company tell us?

Think it through. Whether you are a believer or not, please consider another perspective:

Thanks. TR

Comment by Glenda

September 20, 2007 @ 9:25 pm

Welcome Thom! A range of opinions and perspectives contributes to a balanced conversation. Thank you.

Quickly reading your perspective, I think we both see the good in The Secret. Personally, I think all this buzz around The Secret and the LOA has provided many people with a wake up call to live their more purposefully, consciously and positively and to take responsibility for their lives.

But, like you, I have some concerns, particularly with the movie. I feel it left out or glossed over the “work your butt off” step.

And, as a person with a disability, which I did not purposefully bring upon myself at six minutes of age, and who still has month left at the end of the money despite working hard, there are times when control and power have been taken away from me, and thus, I cannot and will not accept responsibility for those specific incidents in my life.

I’ve been intending to write a post on the LOA and people with disabilities. I’d welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with you.

Comment by Jim Turner

September 21, 2007 @ 8:35 am

I hope we do get to meet since I’ll be presenting the BoB Award winners. Come by and see me for sure!

Comment by Azmi

October 8, 2007 @ 2:07 am

i just stumbled upon you website and i’m so inspired by you.By the way i’ve voted you for the best blog of the year.The law of attraction works for me.Unexpected things occurs to me on a constant basis.I’ve just started my blog to keep track of the things that i would love to achieve using the law of attraction.Am i glad that i’ve attracted you in my life too.

Comment by Mr Law of Attraction

October 8, 2007 @ 3:18 pm

It works faster when you are in alignment with that which you want and the emotional intensity in which you are directing your energy.

Comment by Keith Blanchard

November 13, 2007 @ 2:20 pm

After reading the question: “Does the law of attraction work?” I was reminded of a book I just read by John Assaraf: The Street Kid’s Guide To Having It All.
This book shows how to use all that you have to get that law to work for you. If you read about John or his life, you will see that he has mastered that law. A great book to better one’s life!
If you are interested in a free preview chapter here is a link:

Keith Blanchard
Author of The Divine Principle

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