Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

BAM! Creating a Blogosphere for All

Filed under: Blog Accessibility,Blogging — by at 9:00 am on Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Accessibility MastermindAfter a year in the making and too many late nights these past couple of weeks, I am excited to announce that Blog Accessibility Mastermind is being launched today!

Blog Accessibility Mastermind is an innovative online course and mastermind experience, introducing bloggers to the concepts of web accessibility and providing them with easy-to-implement techniques for increasing their blogs’ accessibility to include individuals with disabilities — a whopping 18% of the population.

Without further ado, twelve mentors, peers and friends – Chris Garrett, Liz Strauss, Grant Griffiths, Des Walsh, Mary-Lynn Foster, Terry Starbucker, Tris Hussey, Todd Jordan, John Haydon, Jennison Asuncion, Deb Brown and Duane Storey – have been invited to cut the ribbon via Twitter to officially launch Blog Accessibility Mastermind.

A collage of head shots and red ribbon

Join with me for Blog Accessibility Mastermind to increase your readership and to pioneer a blogosphere for all!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Virginia

June 15, 2010 @ 6:46 am

May I suggest you set off the link to the course sign-up into a paragraph of it’s own. Or do something to improve the link’s position in the hierarchy of your article? I searched for it for a really long time before I noticed it among the links in the paragraph with all the names. I’m mentioning your course on my blog today and hope people who come here looking for it can find it more easily than I did.

Comment by Glenda

June 15, 2010 @ 1:15 pm

Thank you, Virginia. Point well taken and rectified. And thanks for the mention in your post today!

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