Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Living on the Right Road for Success

Filed under: Motivation — by at 8:29 pm on Saturday, June 5, 2010

A few views from around my neighbourhood this week…

I have been watching these two cranes from my home office window:

Two cranes building high-rise towers

They are fascinating when in operation. The interlocking pattern of triangles, the arms and the pulleys dance when both are in action. With two more towers still to be built, I’ll be fascinated for several more years to come. Does that make me a geek girl?

With the forested lot next our complex now sadly cleared to make room for more housing, the lot now needs to be connected to sewer and water. That means digging up our road:

Backhoe digging up our road

Another backhoe on our road

With more construction slated for our quiet street, navigating around heavy machinery will be necessary for a while.

The road to success is always under constructionHeading into my office this morning to continue building my membership site, the magnet on my board jumped out at me, “The road to success is always under construction”.

I am definitely on the right road to success then!

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Comment by Barbara

June 6, 2010 @ 7:05 am

I switched to Firefox not too long ago – I’m wondering if that is the reason I do not see any text when I mouse-over your photos – ?

Comment by Glenda

June 6, 2010 @ 2:18 pm


Thanks for pointing out this great observation. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, an implementation error was made years ago that displayed the alt element when the mouse hovered over the image. Apparently this has been rectified in later versions of IE; I haven’t upgraded IE in eons, so perhaps someone could confirm this for me. In Firefox and other browsers, it’s the title that appears when the mouse is hovered over the image. The title is optional, meaning that text will not always appear when you hover over. It’s the alt that is mandatory; this is what tells people using screen readers what the image is about. The alt and the title should not be the same. Dan provides an excellent explanation of the difference between alts and titles.

Hope this helps.

Comment by netster

June 11, 2010 @ 7:22 am


I love the line! The road to success is always under construction!

I love the cranes too! I’m not sure why I love them but I love the cranes in action since I was young! 🙂


Comment by vincent

July 20, 2010 @ 1:45 am

this is amazing how you transfomed the mechanics of this machine into a philosphy “the road to success is always under construction.” I like this line….


Comment by Barbara

July 22, 2010 @ 6:07 pm

“The alt and the title should not be the same.” “Should NOT” but are in some platforms – ? Like TypePad? I am still trying to sort this out for myself – much more slowly than you do your work on you blog 🙁 .

I removed captcha and for 4 days manually deleted a trickle of spam. But yesterday morning there were 117 overnight.

Thanks for all your explanations to me regarding blog accessibility. Hope you have a wonderful trip to VA/DC.

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