Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

What is Your Life’s Stanley Cup?

Filed under: Motivation — by at 10:30 pm on Thursday, June 9, 2011

All year you have been working hard on a major project. You have been focused, driven and passionate. You have come back after setbacks, and have found creative solutions to imposing barriers.

You have received amazing support from all of those around you.

You can nearly taste your just reward.

With the finish line in sight, you stumble and fall. While down you realize how completely drained and exhausted you are. You pause for a moment and think, “I don’t have any more left. I have given it my all, I have nothing more to give.”

What do you do?

Do you walk away, saying you did you best? That you will try again another time? 

Do you you give into the those naysayers who said that you wouldn’t finish? That you wouldn’t go all of the way?

Do you listen to the nagging little voice that kept saying you wouldn’t make it?


Do you pick yourself up and dig deeper than you have ever dug before?

Do you find from somewhere, anywhere, some way, any way, to do whatever you need to do?

Do you reach that finish line with your head held high and claim your just reward?

What is your Stanley Cup in your life?

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Comment by Sue

June 10, 2011 @ 6:51 am

I never give up. I pick myself up, dust myself off, and show everyone that I will NOT fail. And if I don’t do exactly what I hoped, I still keep my head held high!

(The series is tied? Go Vancouver!)

Comment by Barbara

June 10, 2011 @ 7:02 am

My answers to your questions are inter-woven with my faith beliefs.

My ‘Stanley Cup’ (bottom-line) is determining whether this task is my holy calling or driven by my personal pride. Not an easy discernment but aided by habitual meditation or prayer.

You asked!

Comment by Morgan

June 10, 2011 @ 9:58 am

Thanks so much for the reminder. It means even more coming from you. This attitude is something to carry on in day to day tasks as well, as each day presents it’s own “Stanley Cup” experience, especially if you are disabled. With that, I’m dusting my picking myself up, dusting my ataxic butt off, and continuing today’s housework.

Comment by Kathy Olsen

June 11, 2011 @ 2:10 pm

Hey everyone, I think it is important to not make every project a full on 150% effort but to be selective in what really (and I mean really) matters to you. None of us can give everything all the time, we have to leave enough time for living. However, just remember as my dad use to say…it isn’t the number of times you fall that counts, it is the number of times you get back up that counts.

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