Happy Sweet 16, My Faith
Sixteen years ago today, my aunt placed a tiny 5-6 week old (exact birth date unknown) brown tabby kitten on my lap. There she stayed. I wasn’t sure she could walk the first couple of days. Faith and I have been inseparable ever since.
She was still such a young kitty that she tried, repeatedly, nursing from my neck. She still does on occasion. (Do cats have bad dreams and need comforting?) There’s nothing like being awakened by a kitty claw in the jugular vein and being smothered in kitty kisses.
Faith is equally content curled up behind my knees. (Not my most photogenic side…oh well…)
While working at my desk, Faith often in her cathouse, right beside me…when she isn’t sprawled out on the desk.
M-m-m good!
How could I ever say no to this adorable face?
She is constantly washing herself…
And the photo shoot is over…
Happy sweet 16, Faith! Thank you for being a good kitty.
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