Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

My Role When Self-Advocating: To Rebuke or To Enlighten?

Filed under: Advocacy — by at 5:09 pm on Saturday, October 20, 2012

After posting the letter to the optometrist last night, I feel compelled to explain why I took the approach that I did.

Coming home on Monday afternoon and writing a scathing letter to her would have been easy. But, what would that have accomplished?

There is way more than enough hurt and pain in the world these days. Why contribute to that? What would be accomplished by me making her feel badly?

She was not rude or nasty, but, rather, unenlightened in how to deal with my disability – or what she perceived to be my disability. She was same unenlightened self during my first eye exam five years ago, when I did not take any action to remedy the situation. My bad. Yes, I know.

This time around I guess I am in a different place. I feel more confident to do something, but something of value, something that might move us forward. That is why I took the approach that I did: I explained my actual limitations and dismissed non-existing ones, outlined what I needed, and suggested how she might play an active role in moving forward.

Less than an hour after publishing that letter here on my blog, my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself finally hit #1 in its category on Amazon – after it had been stuck at #2 for two weeks. My book is now officially an Amazon bestseller!

My book - an Amazon bestseller - YAY!

Coincidence or karma? You decide.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Avril

October 20, 2012 @ 6:48 pm

Way to set an example, Glenda! I love how you handled the situation with the optometrist, addressing the issue firmly and respectfully – and hopefully raising her consciousness as a result! I’d be very interested to hear if she responds to your letter, and what she says if she does!

Comment by Glenda

October 20, 2012 @ 7:25 pm

Thank you, Avril! I’ll be sure to share any response I do receive.

Comment by Karla Meachem

October 20, 2012 @ 7:56 pm


“Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew ALL about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had HOLY PLANS for you:
A prophet to the nations—
that’s what I had in mind for you.”


Watch ‘A Father’s Love Letter’

Congratulations GLENDA!!!

Comment by Leslie

October 21, 2012 @ 4:22 am

I read it to my 16 yr old daughter who was in the car with me as I opened the email on my phone. We laughed and both agreed it was a great way to handle the situation. If we don’t educate folks they will never understand. My daughter made a presentation on her iPad last year as a class project and it included answers to questions (we ask her classmates what they wanted to know) regarding her CP. She has presented it now many times to new teachers and at the beginning of the semester. The difference in the way they approach and interact with her is amazing. By educating them about her constant movement and waiting for her to answer when they speak to her. We are thankful this has opened so many eyes.

Comment by SCG

November 17, 2012 @ 11:41 am

Congratulations Glenda!! I only recently began actively reading blogs and I find yours very interesting and noteworthy. Next… The book!!

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