Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Ready to Write My Next Chapter…Once I Figure Out the Details

Filed under: General — by at 5:04 pm on Monday, September 24, 2012

For the last while – even for the last couple of years – I have had this restless feeling of wanting to do more than disability and accessibility-related work stuff. I mean, disability and accessibility will likely always be part of what I do because it comes as part of the package of life with cerebral palsy. But I want to do something more than that. Something bigger.

I knew I wanted to take what I have learned from my life with a disability to help other people experience their lives more fully. But I didn’t yet know exactly how to explain what that really meant or what that might look like.

That wasn’t until a few weeks ago…

Friends were over to celebrate Darrell’s birthday. They mentioned spending a month in Whistler while their house was being renovated.

I asked if they had done the zipline – the one I’m dying to do, once I figure out the logistics.

They replied they had walked up as far as the ticket booth, but they were scared to go any further. 

I pulled out my iPad and played the video of me ziplining across downtown Vancouver: 

They were amazed. Impressed. Bob asked a few questions.

Then Bob turned to Pat and said, "Hmm, maybe we could do that.”

"THAT is what I want to do!" I heard those words so clearly. Darrell says he didn’t hear me say it aloud.  I am not sure whether I did say those words out loud or if it was my inner voice that keeps getting me in trouble.  Either way, I heard it.

The point isn’t whether Bob and Pat go ziplining, but rather that the next time they are standing on the edge of an opportunity and wavering, they go for it.

THAT is what i want to do in this next chapter of my life.

I’m not sure what shape THAT is going to take; my inner voice has yet to apprise me of the specifics. I do sense giving more (paying) presentations, with a motivational message, will play a role. My speaker site is in the works.

I welcome any thoughts you might have on figuring the specifics and next steps. Please share in the comments below.

To be continued…stay tuned.

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Comment by Trudy Triumph

September 24, 2012 @ 5:16 pm

Good for you and good luck. You look like a winner to me!

Comment by Spashionista

September 24, 2012 @ 6:13 pm

I’m with you, Glenda! I figure if I DARE to do all of these things someone of my ilk isn’t supposed to then I’ll motivate, prod, embarrass others to do what they want to do, too. Besides, I don’t want to look back on my life and wish I’d done more.
Do it! You’re just getting warmed up. 😉

Comment by Glenda

September 24, 2012 @ 6:51 pm

Thank you, Shaspionista! What is that saying…something about “At the end of my life, I want to slide in sideways with chocolate in one hand and a martini in the other, and exclaiming, ‘Woohoo! What a ride!'”

Comment by Glenda

September 24, 2012 @ 6:59 pm

Trudy, thank you. And welcome!

Comment by Mary McD

September 24, 2012 @ 8:11 pm

Just as I’m reading you saying “THAT’s what I want to do”, I’m saying “THAT’s what you should be doing!”

Let’s work offline to get that in place!
Want to chat tomorrow? You know how to find me….

Comment by Joanna Paterson

September 24, 2012 @ 11:03 pm

Oh Glenda, you had me at ‘my speaker site is in the works’. Tell *that* to the doctor who tried to say you were non-verbal.

I wonder if there is a technology / ipad link you can make – it struck me how quickly you were able to *show* people what is possible without telling them (people get tired of being told, it doesn’t resonate after a while).

Kind of – what technology lets us do – and the bigger question: what can *you* do, beyond the limits of what you thought was possible?

Comment by Glenda

September 25, 2012 @ 12:05 am

Joanna, I love your “Tell *that* to the doctor who tried to say you were non-verbal.” Thank you!

Right now I am working on a very short presentation, which I will then convert into a video, to offer as a sample message – to show rather than tell. I’m trying to get it finished to take it with me to SOBCon. Is that what you meant?

Comment by Joanna Paterson

September 25, 2012 @ 5:25 am

Yes, but also maybe a connection to technology – it struck me that it was the immediacy of the ipad which lets someone see the video evidence too (!) that is convincing – maybe, is there a way to exploit the interest in the doors that technology opens up and the ipad in particular – you should be sponsored by Apple…?

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