Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

When Universal Forces Converge…Roll with It!

Filed under: Motivation — by at 10:30 am on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The universal forces are pulling me towards ISAAC  2012 – the 15th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication – to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 28 to August 4, 2012.

These forces aren’t only pulling me to attend, but also to present at ISAAC 2012, which only makes sense. There is little point in going all that way only to sit and listen; I might as well contribute to the conversation.

Presenting means first submitting a paper, which isn’t impossible; I submitted a successful proposal for South by Southwest (SXSW) 2010 and a joint paper for the 26th Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2010). However, the catch is that proposals are due the day before Darrell and I leave for Los Angeles to attend BlogWorld 2011. Of course. Completing one trip before even considering the next one is not an option. Obviously that isn’t how universal forces roll.

With those thoughts zinging around in my head, I then began thinking about one of my items on my bucket list…this is where writing down things, publicly, becomes hazardous because people (including yourself) can remind you of it and hold you to it.

Rocky Statue in front of the Philadelphia Museum of ArtThe item in question is “climb the stairs at Philadelphia Museum of Art with the spirit of Rocky Balboa". Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are, at least, in the same state; close enough for considering doing both on the same trip.



But…why not? Life is too precious not to make the most of it!

I keep thinking of small business adviser and speaker Charlie Gilkey’s motto, “Do Epic Shit”. Surely this would qualify.

Philadelphia’s Museum of Art has only 72 steps to conquer! Together, my lifelong friend Karen, my cousin Craig and I climbed 81 stairs before zipping across Robson Square. And that was while I was still recovering from a nasty cold. What is 72 stairs when I have 10 months to prepare? (Any trainers out there?) Eye of the Tiger (song lyrics) will likely be the earworm that kicks my butt until next summer.

Karen, Glenda and Craig taking a break on a platform

Other than devising a way to finance this crazy idea and putting together a support team, one hitch would be a heat wave; mid-summer in Pittsburgh may not be the wisest time of year. For that reason, this idea may need to be rethought.

First things first: submit a successful proposal before November 1st.

Stay tuned…

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Steve Jobs, Thank You for Contributing to My indePendence

Filed under: Living with a disability — by at 6:55 pm on Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

With the rest of the technologically innovative world, I am saddened by the passing, today, of Steve Jobs due to pancreatic cancer.

Damn cancer.

I have written many posts on how the iPad changed my life in a relatively short time; on how the iPad gave me an affordable, acceptable and cool communication device and how that has further opened the world and opportunities to me.

But one intended post I didn’t write – partly because I didn’t know how to express my sentiments and partly because I thought I still had time – was a thank you to Steve Jobs for his innovative vision and to the Apple Development Team for turning his vision into reality. 

Steve, your iPad gave me something that no other device has: a way to communicate with those who are not familiar with my unique accent Glenda-ish. I cannot find the words to express how grateful I am for that; something which others may brush off as insignificant, but, for me, is a life changer and hugely contributes to my independence.

And, I am not the only life you have changed with the iPad and other Apple devices. Because you were visionary enough to include accessibility in the product development phase, rather than as an afterthought, many people with disabilities have benefitted and have had their life changed.

For this, I thank you, a little too late. I just hope you knew, somehow, before today.

Thank you for your vision, for living your passion and for changing the world in the ways you did.

You will be missed.

(Please excuse any typos or other errors. Typing through tears  is difficult.)

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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