Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Taking a Spiritual Moment on my Virtual Book Tour

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 2:50 pm on Thursday, February 22, 2007

Amidst all the busy-ness of life, it is important to stop and take time to reflect and to connect with one’s spiritual self, in whatever way that may be. Today, I travel virtually to Kansas City, Missouri, to speak with Reverend Carla Golden. Her own story, “NO DUMB BUNNY: One Woman’s Journey from Playboy to Pulpit,” sounds quite amazing; one that I would like to read.

Typically, I don’t speak openly about my spiritual beliefs. I consider them personal and, in this day, it is easy to offend someone, so I tend to keep them to myself. Thus, in my interview with Carla, I found myself stumbling for a way to articulate my beliefs and how they sustain me through life’s challenges. Despite being tongue tied, I do know that my spiritual beliefs are a driving force in my life. They keep me going when times are tough and they enable me to see beyond the “here and now”. They cal my fears, ease my worries and give me hope to continue to this journey called life. What a journey it is!

Feel free to share how your spiritual beliefs have supported you through your life’s challenges. Perhaps you can articulate it more profoundly than I did.

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1 Comment »

Comment by Betsy

February 26, 2007 @ 8:19 pm

Thank you for sharing your spiritual beliefs, Glenda. If anyone gets offended, that’s their problem. You are an inspiration to me and I appreciated what you had to say. By sharing your faith, you have helped me to have more faith, for my challenges have been light compared with yours.

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