Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

The Power of Taking Action: The W-List Morphs into an Inclusive Online Community

Filed under: Blogging,Motivation — by at 3:59 pm on Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A few weeks ago, I shared the magical W-List, which began as a list of powerful PR and marketing professional women bloggers compiled by Valeria Maltoni and to which other bloggers have added, including Liz Strauss at Successful and Outstanding Blogs adding me. Since then, the list has taken on a life of its own, with results including a continuing conversation and meme, a wiki page, and a Facebook W List Group (registration required).

Sunny Cervantes, Confessions of a Marketing Addict, and Toby Bloomberg, Diva Marketing Blog, sparked a way to add value to the growing community: support and promote women bloggers by featuring a W List blogger each week on Facebook and discussing the blog. Sunny calls this “Sort of like Oprah’s Book Club except it’s our blogs.” The woman profiled then chooses the following week’s blog. How awesome is that! And what a great way to build community using social media!

Sunny kicked off this latest addition to the W List by profiling the Left Thumb Blogger. With so many truly amazing women bloggers that she could have chosen, I am sincerely humbled that she chose me. Being included in this community fills me with a feeling of warmth. Thank you, Sunny.

But, my intention of this post is not to boast about being the first blogger profiled on Facebook’s W List Group; but, rather to encourage you to take action on your ideas. You never what your idea may grow and evolve into or how it might impact others. What began as a relatively short list of powerful PR and marketing professional women bloggers has morphed into a supportive and inclusive online community. How powerful is that!

What idea have you been delaying taking action on? Who might be positively impacted if you were to take action? You’ll never know until you take action, so…go take action! And then join us tomorrow right here for Readers’ Café at 4-7pm pacific time to share the action you took and what further steps you plan to take.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Valeria Maltoni

October 2, 2007 @ 5:09 pm

From a conversation to a community, that was the intention all along 😉 And sometimes one needs to let an idea go so it can become bigger and better by someone else’s imprint. You honor all of us bey being first.

I can hardly resist an idea in need of action. Thank you for the inspiration, Glenda.

Comment by Sunny

October 2, 2007 @ 11:02 pm

Hi Glenda,

It was a pleasure to choose you to be the first. Your story is an amazing and inspiring story that is a testimonial to the incredible human spirit. I have certainly learned a lot from reading your blog.


Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 3:58 pm

Valeria, I love your intention!

Sunny, thanks for your kind words.

Comment by Toby

October 4, 2007 @ 6:04 am

Hi Glenda –
Sunny’s choice for the first Profile W List Woman was so ‘on target’.. on many levels. Do It Myself is a wonderful example of weaving personal (your inspiring stories of you) with business elements (book, speaking engagements). Through your graciousness and warmth you take us one step closer to as Valeria says, “turning conversation into community.” Thank you!

Comment by Be a Good Daughter

October 19, 2007 @ 3:03 am

Sweet comment.
I guess you’ll check out my site..
See ya

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