Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Team World: Be the Law of Attraction in Action

Filed under: Blogging,Social Media — by at 6:12 pm on Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Team World Tweet-a-thon - a worldwide event on Twitter

If you have been wondering why I disappeared last week, I can explain!

The Story of how an experiment was born and how it will make a difference in the world goes something like this….

Suzie Cheel had set herself a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) and was on Open Mic Night over at Liz Strauss’s Successful Blog on Tuesday, May 20th. The topic was Great Turning Points. Being herself at a great turning point in her life, Suzie readily joined in.

Glenda: Hey Suzie, how goes your BHAG?
Suzie: BHAG – still a bit scary – launched my studio online today with a sale.
Would love if I could get all of you to help me promote this – I am giving prizes etc starting tomorrow, onmy Abundance Highway site, to people who promote me and my BHAG. Some will be LOA (Law of Attraction) stuff! I also plan to have tele-classes and a program to help bloggers use LOA to take your blogging to be really profitable, etc.
Liz asked Suzie: Tell us what BHAG stands for. 🙂
Suzie: As far as I can work out, the term scrawled on a million whiteboards by corporate trainers, Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs), was coined – or at least first publicized – by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras in their now modern business classic, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies.
Glenda: What do you need, Suzie? Hey, could we do a tweet-a-thon or something, assuming the bird stays awake?
Suzie: Great.
Glenda: Suzie, thinking out loud, if we put together a team of core tweeters in different time zones and we each tweet for an hour or so to send your message around the world. What do you think?? I’ve wanted to try something like for a while. Perhaps some would blog about the experiment too. Yes? No?
Liz: Suzie, I think the world-wide tweet might be an idea. 🙂
Liz Williams then said she would tweet too.
Glenda: Suzie, should we try it? I can help mobilize/organize Team World after Friday. Then we set one day to tweet. What do you think?

So the idea was born.

Suzie later added:

“When I set first gave myself this BHAG I planned that my Attraction plan would continue on to attract $$$$ for The China Library Project. This is for schools and kids in China who have no books and my friend Lonnie Hodge is passionate about doing something to remedy the situation. Did you know that for $1,000 we can equip a primary school in China with its own library?”

That is where I have been for the past week: planning the Team World Tweet-a-thon, a worldwide event on Twitter, to help Suzie attract the necessary resources to come to Vancouver next week! If you use Twitter, please join Team World and be the Law of Attraction in action!

The Accessibility 100 series will resume shortly.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by AnneShirley Manion

May 25, 2008 @ 8:20 pm

Sounds like a wonderful effort on your part Glenda.
Shirley Manion

Comment by Avril

May 25, 2008 @ 10:25 pm

I’m almost scared to ask, but is ‘tweeting’ different from ‘twittering’? 🙂

Comment by Karen Putz / DeafMom

May 26, 2008 @ 7:33 am

“The tweet heard around the world,” how cool, Glenda! You know where we can use this experiment, right? 😉

Comment by Glenda

May 26, 2008 @ 9:10 pm

Shirley, putting together this event has been quite a learning experience! I didn’t know there were so many time zones. And, collaborating with Suzie has been fun. I’m looking forward to meeting her again in Vancouver next week.

Avril, tweeting and twittering are one in the same, but don’t confuse it with teetering!

Karen, yes, “sending a message around the world” could have many beneficial uses! Hope you will be joining Team World for this worldwide event.

Comment by Law of attraction Video

December 25, 2009 @ 10:23 pm

This is a nice blog. Using the law of attraction for a good cause. Not only to benefit yourself but for other less fortunate people. I love your work Glenda!

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