Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

The Left Thumb Blogger Turns Pro

Filed under: Blogging,Work — by at 3:41 pm on Tuesday, January 8, 2008

For the past several months I have been vying for the opportunity to be paid to Blog for a Year. I would like to thank everyone who has voted for me. Your support has been overwhelming and touching.

I’d like to acknowledge the following people for posting on their blogs about the contest. By no means is this an exhaustive list, so please do not feel slightly in the least if I missed including you. I do appreciate all that you have done.

I also would like to thank my Fan Club and countless others who posted on forums and sent out emails to the masses. You’re awesome and I’m already a winner thanks to all of you! Seriously.

The votes are in and tallied:

  • In third place, with 11,752 votes, is moi!
  • In second place, with 18,252 votes, is Melanie in Orygun
  • And the winner, with 18,951 votes, is Absolutely True. Congratulations!

It was a great experience and I learned a lot about using social media for this purpose. (Hillary, Obama, contact me! It’s not too late.)

However, Absolutely True isn’t the only one to be offered a blogging contract. In December I was offered a contract to blog 1-3 posts per week at Disaboom. I joined the problogging league last week! Hope you’ll join me there. I will also continue blogging here, giving my thumb a thorough workout!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Joanna Young

January 8, 2008 @ 4:00 pm

Congratulations Glenda, on coming in 3rd place, on getting a paid blogging gig, and teaching us all so much about using social media in your own gracious efforts to work out how to use this stuff.


PS I don’t think winning BFAY would have made you rich anyway!

Comment by Ange Recchia

January 8, 2008 @ 4:28 pm

Well done Glenda! What an awesome effort it was. My admiration for your persistence has grown since I have met you and I wish you all good things this year πŸ™‚

Comment by Avril

January 8, 2008 @ 5:35 pm

You are a winner in everything you do! Congrats on your bronze medal finish – and now….onwards and upwards!

Comment by Chris Brogan...

January 8, 2008 @ 6:08 pm


Comment by Dr.Mani

January 8, 2008 @ 6:17 pm

Great to hear this, Glenda. Glad to help in a little way. Looking forward to the ‘new’ you! πŸ™‚

All success

Comment by Jerry

January 8, 2008 @ 6:18 pm

Congratulations on many counts Miss Glenda!

I wish you well on your blogging opportunity!

Comment by Regina Baker

January 8, 2008 @ 6:23 pm

Congratulations Glenda! You’re a WINNER in by book and congratulations on securing a contact as well. Whoo-hoo!

Comment by Karla Meachem

January 8, 2008 @ 6:43 pm

congratulations Glenda!!!

I’m so proud of your efforts! πŸ™‚ And thankful for all thesupport you received!

I’ll always be a fan of you!
Go girl go!!!


Comment by Doug McCaughan

January 8, 2008 @ 7:17 pm

Fantastic news! Don’t forget about us little people πŸ™‚

Comment by Mary McDonald, Process Improvement Specialist

January 8, 2008 @ 8:45 pm

And we’ll all be able to say, “I knew her when…”

Mary McD

Comment by Wyatt Song

January 9, 2008 @ 3:38 am

Hi Glenda firstly congratulations! Please continue your great effort, I wish you a grand year in 2008.

I just came across your website for the first time today, I’m inspired, thank you for that. Many of your articles are a great read, I loved them.

I tried but unable to find a guestbook of some sort to leave you a message regarding this blog in general rather than commenting on a specific post in particular, perhaps something you could put on soon? πŸ™‚ just a suggestion.

I look forward to more of your good writing.


Comment by Karen Putz

January 9, 2008 @ 5:03 am

You’re going to have one strong, muscular-looking thumb when this year is over! πŸ™‚

Comment by Rick Cockrum

January 9, 2008 @ 8:26 am

Now I’m going to have to find a new home page.

Congratulations on the new position at Disaboom. This is fantastic news!

Comment by Toby

January 9, 2008 @ 1:37 pm

Glenda – congrats! on your “paid” new gig. you go girlfriend. thank you for the kind mention. one of the nicest things to happen to me in 2007 was meeting you and reading your inspiring book. hope our paths cross in the off digital world in 2008!

Comment by Gerri

January 9, 2008 @ 8:58 pm

Congratulations Glenda! I am so happy that you got a gig out of this too!

Actually the prize for Blog For A Year fell short and ended up being a little less than a $2,000 prize all in all. But the exposure I got from it and the friends made along the way made me a winner.

In early summer I was also offered a writing job as a result of my entry in the contest, which i took and love. So way back then, I knew that whatever the outcome of the contest I had come out a winner.

And I am so happy that you did too. πŸ™‚ There were so many deserving bloggers in the contest, I would love to hear more success stories.

Comment by Suzie Cheel

January 9, 2008 @ 11:28 pm

Congratulation, just imagine the skill you have for promoting both yourself and any cause- we can all learn from you

Comment by Ethan Meadow

January 16, 2008 @ 5:06 pm

You’ve done a fantastic job Glenda. We’ll all keep voting for you. You’re a fantastic person and I applaud your hard work. I know how etching a living on the Internet is and for you with your disability just makes me grateful and more determined. Best of luck in all you do!

Comment by Ruth Ellison

January 16, 2008 @ 5:19 pm

Congratulations on the Disaboom contract and for the Blog of the year placing. All the best!

Comment by Des Walsh

January 17, 2008 @ 4:22 pm

We all knew you were a star and a pro blogger. Now it’s official! And the bronze is still one medal more than all the others after you in the list were able to score. Congratulations on that and on scoring the gig with Disaboom.

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