Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Copy Cats and Tweeting Birds

Filed under: Social Media — by at 1:13 pm on Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tweeting bird Copying an idea from Chris Brogan, who copied from Copyblogger Brian Clark, I’d like to invite you to connect with me on Twitter, if you use that social media tool.

On Twitter, I share links related to accessibility and such,  thoughts and ponderings in the moment they occur, whatever else I feel like sharing in 140 characters or less. In other words, the stuff that happens in between blog posts.

Check out my Twitter profile and you’ll discover the special landing page I’ve created especially for fellow tweeters – an idea I copied from the brilliant social media diva Laura Fitton (@Pistachio on Twitter).

Hope see you in Twitterville!

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Comment by Ute_S

July 30, 2009 @ 3:16 pm

Your Twitter landing page is a good idea – but is it accessible? Please take my comments as something I noticed, not as criticism.
My laptop monitor has a resolution of 1280×800 pixels. But I use Internet Explorer 8 and often use the option to magnify pages by 125%, to compensate my slight farsightedness. At this setting I cannot see the full left background text on your twitter page. The same effect is to be seen if my browser window is minimized to 1024 pixels wide (at 100% Zoom), the background is invisible in a 800-pixel-window.
Using the browser’s zoom settings is an easy measure to make websites more accessible – but obviously not for all.

Comment by Ute_S

July 30, 2009 @ 3:29 pm

Sorry, I wrote “landing page” but wanted to say “twitter profile page”.

Comment by Glenda

July 30, 2009 @ 10:01 pm

Ute_S, yes, the Twitter profile page is not accessible. Its actually a graphic behind the Twitter information, like a background image on a website. There are no ALT attributes and the text on the left side is a graphic – two things not to do in terms of accessibility. At the moment this is the only way to customize the Twitter background. I know its not accessible. I’m limited by the technology; a poor excuse I know. Hopefully my Twitter landing page is somewhat more accessible.

I love how my readers hold me accountable. Thank you.

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