Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Where Would I Be Without Technology?

Filed under: Living with a disability,Work — by at 4:56 pm on Thursday, February 12, 2009

What a week, technologically speaking!

Last week my beloved word prediction and completion software EZ Keys died unexpectedly. This software saves me a fair number of keystrokes. Without it, I type every single letter. My left shoulder is screaming, my arm is about to fall off, and my wrist wants to be put on ice for a week!

The tech support guy kindly offered to put a software replacement cd in express mail. That was a week ago! I understand times are tight and everything being cut back, but how long does mail from California to British Columbia take?

Meanwhile, I am using Microsoft Windows’ accessibility feature StickyKeys for holding down multiple keys at once. (To find StickyKeys and other handy accessibility tools in Windows XP, go to Start > Control Panel > Accessibility Options).

LetMeType words box i am also using the free word prediction software LetMeType. With some tweaking, Darrell was able to load my EZ Keys word list into LetMeType so that I wasn’t starting from scratch.

LetMeType isn’t as powerful as EZ Keys. I am missing the automatic space after the software finishes typing a word, the automatic capital after I type a period, and the shortcut keys for word suffixes. But, because the LetMeType word box doesn’t appear until after I type two or three letters, I can easily use the number keys and the characters above them – something I am constantly fighting with in EZ Keys. LetMeType is quickly learning my language, often showing word choices with two or more words. A nice little program available for free.

The keyconfig dialog box with the Close Window shortcut turned off Then last night, while writing a lengthy comment on Wendy Piersall’s post, I discovered that accidentally hitting Ctrl+shift+W in FireFox is deadly. Do not try this at home! The internet browser closes without any warning, regardless of what you were doing. This sent me searching for a way to turn off specific keyboard shortcuts in FireFox. I found a way to turn off shortcuts, eventually! This adds KeysConfig… to the Tools menu (or the shortcut is Ctrl+shift+F12). The list of possible keyboard shortcuts can then be modified.

Along the way, I discovered the FireFox Accessibility Extension, which I, of course, had to install. I suspect this toolbar will be useful in other projects that are in the works.

(I’ve yet to return to Wendy’s post to retype my comment. Sorry, Wendy.)

AccessCamp San AntonioAll of this is happening while I should be frantically preparing my presentation for San Antonio’s AccessCamp on February 21st. The plan is for me to present online to the group located in San Antonio and to use Skype’s text chat feature to answer questions. Right?!

Off to play with the free and easy-to-use screen sharing tool Mikogo and to learn how to add captions to a PowerPoint presentation…

I need chocolate!

How is your week going?

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by David Hucklesby

February 12, 2009 @ 8:23 pm

Discovering your website has made me happy today, so I wanted to buy you a coffee or chocolate. But the link at the bottom of your page somehow purchased your e-book!

Of course I want to read the book. But perhaps that link should be fixed?

Comment by Suzie Cheel

February 12, 2009 @ 9:06 pm

You are awesome Glenda, reading this makes me feel so blessed. I admire so much what you do and how you inspire and empower so many people

Gold stars

love & hugs

Comment by Glenda

February 12, 2009 @ 9:13 pm

David, thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the site! And for the chocolate, much appreciated! Consider the ebook a surprise bonus. I’ll try to fix that this weekend.

Comment by Glenda

February 12, 2009 @ 9:14 pm

Thanks Suzie. I’m blessed having you in my life!

Comment by DouglasT

February 13, 2009 @ 6:57 am

How is my week going? They don’t make that much chocolate. I love Firefox extensions, I use way too many. They seem to have them for just about anything you can think of.

Comment by Wendy Piersall

February 13, 2009 @ 10:17 am

LOL – you crack me up, woman! 🙂

Comment by Glenda

February 13, 2009 @ 1:12 pm

Glad to have you back, Wendy!

Comment by Mary McDonald, the "Efficiency Doctor"

February 13, 2009 @ 3:54 pm

When I saw the title of this blog, I thought a chatty redhead like you would be going bonkers! no easy way to communicate with those of us not versed in Glenda-ish. Then I read your post – and again thought, she’s going bonkers! I’ll take a red wine with that chocolate, please! (Red wine is good for your health and it IS heart month…)

Looks like my computer may finally be fixed, a mere 3 weeks and est’d 100+ hours after innocently downloading a file or being connected to the net in China. NEVER again will I be un-vigilant (is that a word?)

Hugs to you, speed to your replacement disk, and give Darrell a big kiss for me for helping you out!


Comment by Glenda

February 13, 2009 @ 6:38 pm

Just received the cd! Will install RIGHT NOW……

Comment by Karen Putz

March 12, 2009 @ 6:21 pm

Here’s a big ‘ol pile of chocolate! Glad that the CD finally arrived!

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