Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Can the iPad Make My High School Reunion Bearable?

Filed under: Living with a disability — by at 6:48 pm on Friday, September 17, 2010

Glenda's grad photo Saturday night is a mega high school reunion for the schools in North Delta. Can you believe I graduated from high school twenty-five years ago this September? I can’t!

I am very tempted to go, but I’m also somewhat hesitant. Being the only one with a significant physical disability…which I really didn’t mind…it was my corner…everyone knew me, but not many really knew me. Only a small handful of close friends understood Glenda-ish.

Conversations at previous reunions went something like “Hey Glenda! Great seeing you! You’re looking good.”.…then they moved onto the next vaguely familiar face.

I am much more looking forward to seeing my bloggy friends at BlogWorld and New Media Expo in Vegas in three weeks! They know the current me from my blog and my tweets, which make face-to-face encounters more comfortable, more familiar. And, now with my iPad, conversations can even go deeper than ever possible before.

Is it possible the iPad could help me take conversations beyond the superficial at this reunion? Is it possible my high school classmates could finally get to know me beyond my letter grades – and vice versa? Is it possible using the iPad for communication could make my high school reunion bearable, even enjoyable? Is it worth going to the reunion to find out?

Will I spend a quiet evening at home, wondering what I’m missing but saving myself from revisiting the past…or will I don my favourite purple blouse, grab my iPad and catch the bus to Scottsdale – in the name of this blogger doing research for another blog post? I’m still undecided.

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Comment by Susan

September 17, 2010 @ 7:11 pm

Funny. I’m of the mind that nothing can make a high school reunion bearable. Even blogging about it.

But then again, you can show up and show off your accomplishments if you care to.

Comment by Troy Wittren

September 17, 2010 @ 7:22 pm

Interesting thoughts. My 25 yr was 3 years ago. I skipped it because of the high cost, but also, I did not feel real close to any of my 500+ classmates. Kids were nice to me, but all my time beyond the classroom were mostly alone and doing homework. I’m not hugely social anyway. Kids admired me, but not much closeness.

It’s funny…I was just commenting to Jodie how I am becoming friends with more and more old schoolmates over Facebook. It seems to be a safer, easier way of getting to know my school mates. But actually going to a gathering to see them, I’m just not sure…

Comment by Paula Lee Bright

October 10, 2010 @ 1:21 am

You are so right on the Facebook thing. I’ve found about ten old friends, and three of us have become so close—much closer than we were back then—that we’ve arranged live meet dates and they’ve been celebratory and joyous!

We find that we are still the same, and like each other even more, as we’ve all aged in ways that are in tune with who we were then—yet we’re still neat!

Life is so funny…Glenda, if I manage to swing a BWE ticket somehow, I’ll try to find you. One of my fave students (as a 6th grader) was Jerry, who had CP.

We spend 18 years trying to find each other, and finally a friend of his managed it and surprised us both! I came to understand him very well…and I have an iPad!

Have a grand time there, and cross your fingers for me!

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