Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Reclaiming My Weekends: Another 4-Hour Workday Perk

Filed under: 4-Hour Workday — by at 6:25 pm on Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sample site stats For the last few years i have recorded my site stats on Saturdays; the one time each week when I checked my stats and wrote them down. Why I chose Saturday i do not know. But, turning on my computer to complete that task, I typically ended up doing other things on there and ended up frittering away more of my Saturday than I had intended.

I do not recall an extended period of time since elementary school (before homework began) when I had my weekends totally off, guilt free. This past weekend I chose to change that; I chose to reclaim my weekends.

Saturday I checked out our annual Party for the Planet at Central City (mere blocks away) for the sole purpose of scoring a tree seedling. I received one last year; one that sat neglected in a container of water (that often went dry) on the kitchen counter for months. I killed the seedling because I was “too busy” to plant the thing. How anti-planet is that? Oh, the guilt.

Shore pine seedlingSaturday I scored another Shore Pine seedling. Sunday I planted it: a symbol of new growth, new opportunity, new life.

In the process I had a “damn cp” moment and broke off the tip. A bonsai’d pine?

With the seedling planted, I then turned my attention to our badly neglected deck (with assistance from my trusty Chief Feline Officer Faith)…

Our messy deck with my cat Faith munching on weeds in a planter box

The first step was to sweep, which took me nearly four hours – my back vehemently protested the next day. The complete makeover will take a few weeks, depending upon how body parts hold up. I will post more pictures once its done.

While moving one planter filled with weeds, I discovered we had a new neighbour. How cool is this…

A  snail

Faith starts outside, looking all cuteChoosing to reclaim my weekends…another benefit of the 4-Hour Workday project.

Are your weekends truly yours? If not, what would enable you to reclaim them, or, at least a portion? Share in the comments below.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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1 Comment »

Comment by Jo Holzer

May 2, 2012 @ 7:34 pm

What a great idea! Brilliant! And the outdoors beckons … the greenhouse still demands attention for another couple of weeks. And I hope to ride the bike outside for a change!
Go, Glenda, go!

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