Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Blogger Claims Unfair Ageing Practice

Filed under: Blogging,Living with a disability — by at 12:38 am on Tuesday, July 10, 2007

reading glasses – the first sign of ageing
(Photo credit: Jay Simons)

After a two-week hiatus from blogging, I’m back! Darrell and I were busy preparing an introductory training session “Web Accessibility: The What, Why and How” for a local city’s Information Technology (IT) staff. When I’m in the midst of a major project, everything else decreases in importance – this typing thumb can accomplish only so much.

I had a few late nights creating the PowerPoint presentation and adding the text-to-speech sound files with my speaking parts, which was a tedious process that seemed like it would take more time than I had. I thought the burning eyeballs and the floating spots were simply from a lack of sleep.

A trip to the optometrist just to be sure on Monday morning revealed otherwise. After several tests, measurements and hold still moments, it was determined that my perfect vision, the only perfect thing with this body, is no longer perfect. I now need glasses for reading. Apparently this is normal when individuals turn forty – finally reached a normal milestone!

However, I profusely object. If I am so-called developmentally delayed, then the perks of turning forty should be equally delayed! This is not fair; it can’t be both ways! I want a lawyer to fight this unfair ageing practice!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by AnneShirley Manion

July 10, 2007 @ 4:42 am

As usual your sense of humour comes through in a sad event. At least there are nice, lightweight glasses available nowadays.
Shirley Manion

Comment by Karen Putz

July 10, 2007 @ 6:32 am

Hmm, one bright spot–studies show that people with glasses are percieved to have an IQ that doubles when they put them on. GRIN

Comment by Mary McD

July 10, 2007 @ 7:06 am

I guess I’m always ahead of the curve – I got glasses at 39 years, 5 months. I remember mentally screaming, “But wait! I get 7 more months of 20/20 vision! I’m not 40 yet!”

Now, unfortunately, at 50, I have BIFOCALS! I tried contacts and just can’t get past putting-something-the-size-of-a-dinner-plate-in-my-eye
thing… so bifocals it is!

And, I voted for you on the today — as always!

Mary McD

Comment by Karen Putz

July 12, 2007 @ 6:22 am

Glenda, here’s an award for you:

Comment by Sue Goud

July 13, 2007 @ 2:01 pm

Hi Glenda, Remember me, the aunt of your childhood buddy, Barbara? As for glasses, my lifelong handicap is my eyesight as I have been myopic since I was 8. One advantage to myopia is that I can see really well close up 2 – 10″, without my glasses – good for taking out slivers. I am enjoying reading all about your endeavours and except for the few days I was away, have been voting for you. I will buy your book soon and look forward to reading.

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