Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Turning Intention into Action at the Readers’ Café

Filed under: Readers Cafe — by at 4:00 pm on Wednesday, October 3, 2007

(Photo credit: Diego RB)

Hi and welcome to the Readers’ Café – a place to gather and to share. With miserable weather outside, tonight we are inside at Restaurante Maria MataMouro in Pelourinho, the old historic center of Salvador, Brazil. (If you have a photo of a favourite café that you’d like to share at a Readers’ Café, please let me know.)

Please join us and help yourself to a warm beverage of your choice. Then sit back and join in the conversation by posting comments below. Hit your internet browser’s REFRESH button to see new comments as others join in the conversation. All that I ask is that you respect others and keep it relatively family-friendly. Also, keep in mind that this is a public space, so share what you feel comfortable sharing publicly.

Yesterday I shared how Valeria Maltoni’s relatively short list of professional women bloggers has morphed into a supportive and inclusive online community. I love how a seemingly small action has snowballed into something larger than imagined. You never know where putting an intention into action will lead you or how it may benefit others.

Today’s conversation starter is:

Do you have a similar story where one action morphed into something larger than you ever imagined? Or, do you have an intention you have been meaning to act up; on, but need a little nudge in the right direction?

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.



Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 5:49 pm

Darrell, I just need someone well-connected to people with physical and mental challenges to help them find out about Enabled Magazine, and use it. From there, if a business wants to advertise on the site, then there could be money coming in that way. Alternatively, if someone uses the magazine and decides they want to start their own business with the software, then we’ve added someone to the group. And you get the 25% referral fee. (smile)

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 5:50 pm

Len, are you familiar with Kim Bloomer and Animal Talk! Naturally?

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

All sounds good!!

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 5:54 pm

hmm, if I send my contacts to Darrell, perhaps you could walk them through the technical process? That is where I’m hung up; otherwise the magazine would be jam packed by now!

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 5:56 pm

Penny, you know if you need help or if there is any thing I can do to help you let me know

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:01 pm

Penny, is there a dog magazine yet?

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:06 pm

The technical part shouldn’t be too bad, since we have videos on every page for every function, basically. But if I can train Darrell the ins and outs of the magazine, he could train anyone else.

And no, no dog magazine yet. Someone asked to do one, but never came through.

Comment by Avril

October 3, 2007 @ 6:07 pm

Wow, I’m lost! Though I’m no technophobe, I have to confess that I know nothing about podcasting beyond downloading & listening to them, and can’t imagine how you all manage to blog and podcast and run online magazines and still have time to breathe! (Or do you?) (Have time to breathe, that is?) 😉

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:08 pm

and really, all I need is people to contact other people. I really don’t have any “ins” in that community, so I can’t spread the word about it with any type of authority. If you guys know of any people that want to blog or podcast on my dime, within a community setting of people with some similar experiences, then we just want to fill up the site with them. That’s all I need. I’m paying for the server, have set up the magazine, created the tutorials, etc.

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 6:08 pm

sounds good to me.

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:09 pm

Avril, I get very, very tired! (smile). Actually, I cut my business podcast back to every other week, even though it took a hit on my search engine rankings. It was just too much. And now, I have to blog about my online magazines, as I have created an email auto-responder from it. That way, people can sign up and find out more information in a leisurely format.

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:09 pm

lol you mean I have to breathe too, Avril? I knew I was forgeting something!

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:10 pm

hahahahaha Glenda, you are too funny!

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:13 pm

Penny, I had one organization ready to submit the rss, but I think the process scared them off and I haven’t followed up. Ugh

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:15 pm

Avril, this social media would be great for s4dac.

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:16 pm

I think it seems a lot scarier than it is. They Register, they get a passcode from you, and they click Submit Listing. They put in their RSS link. Done. The other features just gives them more advertising, but that’s really the only necessities.

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:16 pm

Avril, what’s s4dac?

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:17 pm

That is where I lost them, Penny.

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:19 pm – look at the content, not the design 😉

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:24 pm

wow! The magazine software would be a perfect match! people could upload audio and video and type in some text about it, and the site would be filled with example of the artistry of everyone.

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:25 pm

Glenda, that’s why we need Darrell to become an expert on how the magazine works and get people through it. Once they learn, it’s really a no brainer.

Comment by Avril

October 3, 2007 @ 6:28 pm

Sounds great, Glenda – let’s talk about that when we meet tomorrow (sadly, not at a cafe in Brazil, only in Surrey…). Right now I’m hard put just to put in the few hours I do on S4DAC stuff, but I’d love to start thinking about how to make the website more dynamic, interactive and responsive. Lots to talk about.

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 6:28 pm

I am not hard to find.:)

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:30 pm

No, Darrell – I pretty much know where you are. Just tell me when you are ready to become a master at this, and I’ll make sure I answer all of your questions – after you watch all of the videos! (smile) Homework!

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:30 pm

Definitely a good idea to train Darrell. And yes, I would like to get s4dac into the Arts column – Avril just doesn’t know it yet! We’re meeting tomorrow 😉

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:31 pm

Avril, you know, you could use Enabled Magazine to do that. You wouldn’t have to run anything – just send people to the site to put their stuff up there. We are working on other “widgets” so that you could then take the blogs and podcast and syndicate them back on your site. It would be like a Podcast Player or a little RSS Reader that would show the person’s stuff.

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 6:32 pm

you tell me when to start and where !!!

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:35 pm

Wow, this Readers’ Cafe is definitely turning intentions into action!

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:36 pm

Well, I’m exhausted, and need to crash (and breathe). Hopefully, I will be in touch with Glenda and Darrell tomorrow, and Avril, it was wonderful meeting you. I hope my magazine software will help you promote other people’s artistry. (smile)

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:37 pm

Darrell, you start at After that, I’ll send you to the Admin video tutorials. (sly grin) Good night, all!

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:38 pm

Thanks so much for joining us, Penny. Have a good night.

Comment by Penny Haynes

October 3, 2007 @ 6:39 pm

Oh, and by the way, if you master the tutorials, then maybe I can send all of my customer service calls to you for the other magazines, and actually pay you for it! (smile)

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 6:40 pm

Night Penny

Comment by Avril

October 3, 2007 @ 6:41 pm

Thanks, everyone – lots to think about – and (oh dear) lots to do! Ah well. That’s what makes life interesting. Great to meet you, Penny. Do you have a website I can visit to learn more about what you do?

Meanwhile, time for a break – gotta eat as well as breathe!

Good night, all. Enjoy the rest of the week. Happy Thanksgiving next week to the Canadians, and Happy Columbus Day to the Americans! And whatever the Brazilians and others are celebrating this weekend too!


Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:43 pm

Sounds awesome, Penny! I knew there was a jv between you two somewhere. Then I can focus more on writing and we’re all happy! 😉

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:46 pm

Thanks Avril. See you tomorrow – for real! Looks like we’ll have lots to talk about.

Comment by Darrell

October 3, 2007 @ 6:53 pm

it has been a pleasure, have a great week

Comment by Glenda

October 3, 2007 @ 6:56 pm

Thank you everyone for joining the conversation. It was a lively one! The next Readers’ Café is Wednesday, October 17th, 4-7pm pacific.

Until then, I’d like to leave you with this thought:

Unless you marry intention to action, you end up with only a brief affair.

Comment by Kathy

October 3, 2007 @ 10:12 pm

Hi Glenda,
I enjoyed the cafe even though I arrived too late to participate. I thought I’d let you know I passed a copy of your site along to a woman at the VAN Olympic Committee in regards to a possible internet project they are working on. I’ll keep you posted.

On another note, I keep wondering how far first place is away every time I vote. After all, it is your intention to get paid to Blog for a year n’est-ce pas?

Comment by Be a Good Daughter

November 5, 2007 @ 12:11 am

Great message.
I hope you will like our diary..
See ya

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