Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Making Space for Tomorrow by Letting Go of Yesterday

Filed under: Living with a disability,Work — by at 11:59 pm on Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today Darrell was helping a friend teach a robotics class to kids, giving me most of the day to myself. With nothing urgently demanding my time, I decided to attack my office. I spend most of my time in here, but this space receives the least housecleaning time. Today was its turn!

Glenda's messy office

I began with the bookcase, figuring that was a distinct area, and, hopefully, progress would be noticeable. The new shredder had a good breaking in! In less than two hours, I had to stop to take out the recycling bin and shredder droppings to empty. I was on a roll!

The bottom shelf was harder to go through. Much of the paper stuff was from my work with the Career Mentor Program at my Alma Mater – my one and only J O B. I even found four pay stubs, which looked pretty good at this point.

I loved that job – making the Career Mentor Program inclusive and accessible to students and alumni with disabilities. It was something I believed in and strongly felt was necessary. But, the position had been created by government funding so that the government appeared to be hiring and supporting employment of people with disabilities. The funding was for one year. An extension was not available.

I did  apply for other positions on campus, attempting to stay employed at a location that still felt like home to me – after living in residence for seven years while earning my Bachelors degree. However, the head of the human resources department was not overly amenable to hiring people with disabilities, citing the need to adhere to the typing speed requirement for the other entry level positions available on campus. Remaining employed at my Alma Mater was not an option, not that I’m still bitter, too much.

Today, I kept one copy of each brochure, handout and form that I created – in case I’m ever asked to develop a mentoring program again. A few moments during the purge were tough. I really did enjoy that job. Then I came across the birthday card from the staff that year – I’m such a pack rat! Reading what they had written, particularly the Program’s Coordinator, my closest colleague and friend, "See I told you Glenda. They do love you. Even if you are a dork! Happy B-Day -Topher" made me laugh. With my birthday coming up on Tuesday, it was like receiving an early birthday gift.

I then realized that, to make space for my life today and for the opportunities that come along tomorrow, I needed to let go of yesterday. I shredded old resumes and cover letters. I put my job search and cover letter writing books in a pile. (If any of you work with local job clubs or employment programs, you are welcome to these books. Otherwise, I’ll drop them off at the Whalley Employment Centre next time I am at the mall.) I no longer need these books. I have found my dream job. My next task is to find the income that goes along with it. I know I will.

Glenda's bookcase with empty space!

There is now space on my bookshelf for today’s life: Chris Garrett’s and Darren Rowse’s ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income, Lorelle VanFossen’s Blogging Tips: What Bloggers Won’t Tell You About Blogging, and Michael Losier’s Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don’t. And, there’s some space available for whatever tomorrow may bring.

What do you need to let go from yesterday to create space for tomorrow’s opportunities?

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Comment by Suzie Cheel

November 2, 2008 @ 12:33 am

so true Glenda, and doesn’t it look amazing- congrats

Comment by Avril

November 2, 2008 @ 9:21 am

Way to go, Glenda! I hope you feel a great glow of satisfaction. I love getting rid of stuff – I always feel lighter and cleaner when I’ve dumped a bunch of things I no longer need. And it does feel like you’re making room for the future when you get rid of old stuff that’s past its best-before date.

I feel very confident about your future – you’re so focused and determined that I can’t imagine you not achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself!

Comment by Mary McDonald, Process Improvement Specialist

November 2, 2008 @ 9:24 am

Hi Glenda,

Congrats on tackling this job! I did a similar purge when I moved offices – and you’re right, I was able to ‘let go’ of a lot of the things I had from old jobs.

One – it’s probably out of date by now.
Two – it’s taking up valuable space.
Three – I need to leave room for tomorrow’s treasures.

[One of the benefits of having a scanner is also being able to digitally store things I think I’ll need again – so if you have one, consider scanning and tossing the copies of things you DO decide to keep!]

Mary McD
Sunny 70’s Austin, TX

Comment by Karen Putz / DeafMom

November 2, 2008 @ 6:56 pm

Hey Glenda, great job on the office! I’m in the process of going through papers slowly but surely. Last week, I got rid of most of the IL Hands & Voices stuff. That felt bittersweet, but good!

Hang on to that picture frame–we’re gonna fill it in May!

Comment by Glenda

November 2, 2008 @ 11:40 pm

Thanks ladies! I felt uplifted seeing it this morning; like there’s room for newness and space to think and to let ideas flow!

Great idea about scanning the keepable papers, Mary. They get so dusty and musty. I’ll scan them, one day.

Karen, the picture frame is in a safe place, waiting.

I’m looking forward to next Saturday to continue the task.

Comment by Nidia Masse

November 14, 2008 @ 7:07 pm

What a wonderful inspiration you are glenda! I have no thad the time to browse your entire site here but what I have seen I am soooo very impressed with your spirit and tenacity for living life so positively and purposefully.

You are such a brave woman, and make us all so very proud, wishful and hopefuly for our own little girl who has CP ~ Megan. She is 8 years old and is our world.

Thank you for proving to us all that ~ You can do it yourself. It must be such a wonderful feeling to be so task oriented and so successful.

Congratulations Glenda

Proud mama to Megan who is 8 years old and has Dystonic Cerebral Palsy

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