Parking Unnecessarily in Wheelchair Spaces is Bad Karma
The Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia (SPARC BC) reminds everyone that parking unnecessarily in handicapped or wheelchair spaces can have undesirable consequences. Listen to SPARC radio ad that will air on stations across the province this week, promoting Access Awareness Day on Saturday, June 7th.
(Photo credit: Dani Simmonds)
The transcript reads:
Female: Yeah, we can’t park here.
Male: Why not?
Female: It’s handicapped parking.
Male: So?
Female: We’re not handicapped. That’s bad karma.
Male: Karma sharma, I’ll be right back.
[Male gets out of the car and slams the door]
Male screams in pain: Owwwwww!
Announcer: Parking in specially designated spaces without a permit is not only bad karma, it’s illegal. While you may not slam the door on your finger, you may get a fine. And remember, you’ll be taking that space from someone who truly needs it. SPARC – the Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia – reminds you to be access aware. When it comes to designated parking, please cooperate. No permit, no parking. Now that’s good karma.
Accessibility 100 is a series of 100 easy-to-implement, free and inexpensive tips for improving accessibility for people with disabilities. This is a community project. Feel free to leave your comments, questions and ideas for future Accessibility 100 posts.
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