Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Resisting iPhone 3G Mania

Filed under: General — by at 12:49 pm on Friday, July 11, 2008

The must-have-latest-gadget world is buzzing with today’s worldwide release of the iPhone 3G. People began lining up last night at their local mobile phone stores to be among the first to scoop an iPhone.

Combining “a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod, and a breakthrough internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser,” the iPhone 3G redefines what a mobile phone can do.

The Left Thumb Blogger awaits release of Thumb 2.0

The Thumb 2.0 will be compatible with all PC and Mac systems, and usable with all applications, including email programs, word processors, blogging platforms and multimedia packages. Its sleek, compact design and universality will ease travel anywhere in the world. The Thumb 2.0 will never encounter system failures, corrupt files or network outages.

Unlike the iPhone 3G, the Thumb 2.0 will not require expensive service plans. Requiring no batteries to recharge, the Thumb 2.0 will not put a further drain on the energy resources nor contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. And, there is absolutely no risk of causing brain tumours.

Enjoy your iPhone. I will be first in line when the Thumb 2.0 is finally released.

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Comment by Jacqui & Rylan

July 11, 2008 @ 4:43 pm

LOL Glenda!

Comment by Ricardo Bueno

July 15, 2008 @ 6:29 am

I can’t believe the size of some of the lines when the new phone came out! Of course one of my co-workers got it and I’m totally jealous but hey, life goes on. I’ve made it this far without an iPhone, I can make it further. Right?

Comment by Maudie Krigger

April 27, 2010 @ 10:04 pm

just bought an iPhone 3G for my mom as a birthday present. she is very happy about her new iPhone.. *

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