Tips for Communicating with the Left Thumb Blogger
Bags are packed. Kitty-sitter arranged (thanks Uncle Bob!). Three guest posts scheduled. And an appropriate panic level attained. Darrell and I are ready to leave bright and early Monday morning to begin our journey to Las Vegas for our belated summer vacation and for BlogWorld!
I am really looking forward to meeting many invisible friends in-person in Vegas. However, meeting face-to-face may induce some apprehension in how to deal with Glenda-ish, my unique speech pattern caused by my cerebral palsy. These tips may alleviate some of that apprehension:
- Relax!
- Like with learning any new language, Glenda-ish takes time and practicum to learn. No need to apologize if you don’t understand something I have said.
- I absolutely don’t mind repeating myself if you haven’t understood something. Please ask me to say it again. If your response to "You have a booger" is "Oh, that’s nice, dear," then I’ll know miscommunication has occurred!
- I will have my laptop with me and I can type out the word or two if we really get stuck.
- Once you have a few drinks, my speech becomes amazingly clear!
- If our conversation becomes lengthy, let’s take it to email or text chat, after BlogWorld, where I can communicate much more effectively.
See you in Vegas!
If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.