Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Together, Let’s Feed 100 People Christmas Dinner

Filed under: Blogging — by at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, December 2, 2008

An Union Gospel Mission placemat set with a spoon(Photo credit: Miss604)

In this economic downturn, it’s easy to ignore and forget individuals who are truly in need, those who are struggling to find enough food to eat and a warm place to sleep. But, this is exactly the time when they are in need the most, to know that they are not alone and that others still care.

The Union Gospel Mission – the lifeline to basic necessities for thousands of men, women and children – holds a special place in my heart. Late on my wedding day, once the festivities were over and Darrell and I had been duly showered/pelted with environmentally friendly birdseed, Mom and my brother Kevin dropped off much of the remaining food at the Union Gospel Mission in downtown Vancouver. Being able to share our special day with those less fortunate than us made our day that much more meaningful. Ever since, I have given to the Union Gospel Mission whenever I can.

The Best of...The Left Thumb Blogger: Volume IWith this in mind and thanks to an idea from Chris Brogan, I have compiled The Best of…The Left Thumb Blogger: Volume I – a baker’s dozen of posts from 2007, my first year blogging at Do It Myself Blog. This collection of posts are ones that I particularly enjoyed writing, that garnered amazing response from readers, or that are messages worth sharing again.

For every ebook purchased before December 18th for only $6.50, $3.29 will buy Christmas dinner for someone in need.

If you don’t wish to purchase the ebook, but would like to buy someone in need Christmas dinner, kindly buy me a coffee for $3.29 (using the link below this post) and I’ll add your donation to the total.

Together, let’s feed 100 people Christmas dinner and show them they are still valued members of our community.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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  5. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » Readers’ Choice to Feed 100 People Christmas Dinner


Comment by Susan

December 4, 2008 @ 9:28 am

Love to see others helping the nonprofits that they love. I hope that your continue to flourish.

Comment by Qui Diaz

December 4, 2008 @ 12:24 pm

Hi Glenda,

This is the first time I’ve dropped by, and I’m hooked on the do-good flourishing in your current project to feed the hungry. The idea to allow us to buy you “coffee” is brilliant. I haven’t seen that anywhere before, and want to adopt the concept myself!

Thanks for being a voice of hope.

Comment by Missy Diaz

December 4, 2008 @ 1:17 pm

Hey, Glenda:

Fantastic idea. I hope you reach your goal of feeding 100 people this X-Mas. I have a feeling you will.

$3.69 is such a small amount, yet can do alot of good. Hope whoever is reading this, pulls out their CC or donates via Paypal.

C-mon guys this is a super easy way to help.

Bless you,

Comment by Suzie Cheel

December 17, 2008 @ 11:15 pm

Awesome again Glenda, bit late joining in.

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