Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

What’s in My Networking Toolbox?

Filed under: Living with a disability,Work — by at 8:58 am on Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Debra and Glenda exchanging business cards

Last week I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Surrey – Delta Chapter of the Valley Women’s Network. Networking is much more than exchanging the obligatory business card; although that is often the first step.  

Glenda Watson Hyatt prior to presenting

As a business woman with a physical disability and a significant speech impairment, I have had to find ways to network that work for me. In my presentation, offered below as a 15-minute video, I share what is in my networking toolbox.

Special thanks go to S. R. Emerson of Accrete Web Solutions for the hook up and to Bimy Dobson for the chauffeur service to the luncheon. 😉

What’s in your networking toolbox? Which tools are effective for you? Are there any taking up valuable space that need to be discarded? Are there any tools you would like to try?

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Comment by Bryn Youngblut

October 28, 2008 @ 9:36 am

Hmm the video seems to be having some difficulty. I will check back later and hopefully it will be up!

Comment by Cyndi in BC

October 28, 2008 @ 9:55 am

Great video presentation! Glad you figured out a way to get it up on your blog. I will be passing it on to my network of people.

Comment by Glenda

October 28, 2008 @ 10:02 am

Sorry Bryn, I am not sure why it’s not loading for you. Try this direct link.

Comment by Glenda

October 28, 2008 @ 10:04 am

Thanks Cindi! Getting this video up definitely networking in action!

Comment by Kara

October 28, 2008 @ 1:24 pm

Great post Glenda-you really got me thinking about different networking tools. I really connected with the way you described your participation in groups as fluid-it’s important for me to realize that when I have to cut back to keep up that’s ok and the connections are still there. Excellent presentation-wish I could have been there in person but this is almost as good!

Comment by Karen Putz / DeafMom

October 29, 2008 @ 7:47 am

Nice presentation and you covered a lot! and dang it, I can’t wait to meet you at SOBCon so we can get our picture together up there!

Comment by Ricky Buchanan

April 3, 2009 @ 2:21 am

I just now found this post Glenda, looking back through your blog, and I found it really helpful. Actually it’s helpful for 2 reasons – firstly I’ve been asked to give a 15 minute presentation on web2.0 technology & disability and it’s going to be videotaped, so now I have a good idea of how much fits into 15 minutes! But also I find networking to be a challenge – with being bedridden I can never “show my face” at events but now I’m thinking in some more sideways directions thanks to your own creativity! Keep up the good work 🙂

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