Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Rod Stewart Still Gets My Mojo Going

Filed under: Motivation — by at 12:05 am on Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rod Stewart in concert at GM Place Stadium, VancouverI fell in love with Rod Stewart during the 1989 American Music Awards, my second year at university, and it has been a love affair ever since. Rod’s music has lifted me up when I was down, kept me company when I was lonely, and has boosted my mojo when required. 

I can’t really explain why Rod Stewart and his music. Perhaps it’s the fact that his dad and my grandfather were born two years apart in Edinburgh at the turn of the last century, and I like to imagine that there was some kind of connection between the Stewarts and Marshalls. I mean, how large was Edinburgh one hundred years ago? But, perhaps the why doesn’t matter. Perhaps the important thing is that I have had his music when I’ve needed it, for whatever reason.

Saturday night I was fortunate to see him again in concert, probably for the fifth or sixth time. And, he was still as good this time as he was the first time! There is nothing I find more inspiring than watching someone do something he is passionate about. After all of these years, Rod obviously remains passionate about singing and performing. What a great way to live: to do what one loves doing.

Dancing there in my chair, with the music reverberating my innards, I felt so alive to my core! And, oh, that electric guitar – I’m definitely a misplaced rocker chick!

One time, though, I’d like to be close enough to the stage to catch one of his balls; soccer balls, that is! 😉

Rod Stewart singing at GM PlaceI was excited to learn that, with cell phones now having cameras, small cameras are also allowed in GM Place Stadium. It pays to be prepared and to ask! Given that Darrell and I were sitting in the Visions Lounge at the far end of the stadium and the still-to-be-perfected camera mount on my scooter, the photos aren’t great but they are mine to savour. More concert photos are on Flickr.

If mojo is the juice of life, who gets your mojo flowing?

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Comment by Avril

August 12, 2009 @ 9:10 am

My mojo man is – and has been since the late 70s – the one, the only, The Boss … Bruce Springsteen! What Rod does for you, Glenda, Bruce does for me. He rocks me right to my core and back, his music speaks to my every mood, and he is one sexy dude! I saw him in concert twice in the early 80s and had the delight of seeing him here last year, and he hasn’t lost anything in the intervening years. The guy has more energy in one finger than most of us have in our whole body. He just about rocked the roof off GM Place.


Comment by Suzie Cheel

August 12, 2009 @ 11:19 pm

Wow I just love the photos and I love Rod Stewart too- another thing we have in Common
We are sailing….. is one of my favorites, did he sing that

Love and hugs

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