Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Tire Tracks on the Clean Kitchen Floor

Filed under: Living with a disability — by at 2:07 pm on Friday, July 10, 2009

Wheelchair tire tracks on the kitchen floorLike many proud homeowners, loving wives and dutiful daughter-in-laws, I aspire to keeping a well-kept home.

However, no matter how many times my foot drags the wet cloth back and forth across the floor, no mater how long I wait for one section to dry before washing the next, and no matter how relatively cat hair-free I manage to get it, I always end up with tire tracks on the clean kitchen floor!

Scuff marks along the wallThe tire tracks on the floor go along with the scuff marks on the walls…

A chewed up doorway and scratched toilet bowl the chewed up doorways, and the scratched toilet.

That’s life with two people who use wheelchairs indoors!

It’s unavoidable!

But, if the kitchen flooring ever gets redone, it’ll definitely be tiled in grime grey!

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Comment by Mary McDonald, The Integration Doctor

July 10, 2009 @ 2:23 pm

From the pics it looks like you should consider wood throughout – including waist-high! 😉

Comment by Glenda

July 10, 2009 @ 2:33 pm

Thanks Mary! Dad did install hardwood throughout, except in the kitchen and the two bathrooms. But part way up the wall may be a good idea! 😉

Comment by Debbie Ryals

January 13, 2010 @ 12:23 pm

I found your blog by doing a search of how to get wheelchair skid marks off of tile floors and painted walls. I manage an apartment complex for the “mobility impaired”. I am also in a wheelchair and am facing the tasks of getting the complex’s vinyl floors and flat paint on the walls clean (some of our folks need driving lessons – the hallways are 6 feet wide). The builder shoud have put handrails down the hallways and bumper guards….oh well. Anyway, thanks for the blog. The search goes on!

Comment by Glenda

January 13, 2010 @ 12:51 pm

Debbie, there’s a test for the Mr Clean Magic Eraser! A lower rail or carpet part way up the wall might also help. Good luck!

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