Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

My 21 Goals for Making 2010 Awesome

Filed under: Motivation,Work — by at 12:32 pm on Sunday, January 3, 2010

One candle burning brightly Its that time of year again – time for creating lists of goals on clean sheets of paper in attempts of improving upon the old year and making the most of the New Year. Here are 21 of my bloggable goals for 2010 in no particular order other than in which they came to mind:

  1. Sell the remaining 200 copies of my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself.
  2. Find a way to make my book available on the Amazon’s Kindle.
  3. Do a beta launch of <still secret project>.
  4. Extend my reach in social networks and with social media.
  5. Get my efforts in social networks and with social media working seamlessly and smoothly.
  6. Relaunch my <still secret project> in a major way.
  7. File taxes DURING tax season.
  8. Redesign this blog’s theme with accessibility in mind.
  9. Learn enough php to complete #8.
  10. Attend a taping of Oprah’s show.
  11. Further develop the “Faith the Talking CFO” concept and produce a series of YouTube videos.
  12. Create an ebook or book from my <still secret project>.
  13. Write one guest post per month.
  14. Create a 2011 photo quilt calendar to sell on Cafe Press.
  15. Comment on 10 blogs per week.
  16. Redo to generate enough revenue to cover domain and hosting costs.
  17. Send 20-25 cards per month with SendOutCards.
  18. Continue the Accessibility 100 series.
  19. Complete the From Special Education Classroom to University Graduate mini-series. 
  20. Participate in the Vancouver Blogathon in July. 
  21. Feed 100 people in need Christmas dinner.

I will check back after the first quarter with a progress report

What are your goals for making 2010 your most awesome year ever?

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Comment by MissDazey

January 4, 2010 @ 12:10 pm

Looking forward to secret plans being revealed.

Re: goal #2,I was told that any ebook can be downloaded on Barns and Nobles book reader. Have you looked into that?

Re: #14 Do you have anything now on Cafepress?

Re: #10 How can all your readers on Twitter help that happen?

Comment by Barbara

January 5, 2010 @ 8:13 pm

Wow. I guess you have not been busy enough. Loved the CFO video. All the best for reaching your goals in 2010.

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