Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Bring It On, Universe, I’m Ready for My Next Big Dream!

Filed under: Motivation — by at 5:06 pm on Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Self-publishing my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself was the realization of a thirty year old dream. For thirty years that dream was my North Star.

Since launching my autobiography in December 2006, I have been without that North Star to guide me. Yes, I have had list of goals. But, looking at that list, except for “my still secret project”, which has the potential to go big if I would only get on with it, there’s nothing on that list that really grabs me and guides me in an all-consuming way.

Glenda Watson Hyatt and Pam SlimA culmination of several recent events – watching more sports during the 2010 Olympics and Paralympics than I ever have in my life, touching the gold medals, zip lining above Robson Square, finally meeting my virtual sister Pam Slim at Andrea Lee’s Wealthy Thought Leader event where I was with some people who charge their mentoring clients in one year as much as the original amount of our mortgage – has me thinking: it is time to begin thinking bigger. It is time for a new dream. It is time for a new North Star, one that will guide me to unimaginable heights and force me to blur the thin line between ability and disability even further.

I don’t know what the dream is yet, but I am ready to accept it and to embrace it. Universe, I am listening.

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