Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

How Many CFOs Enjoy This Perk?

Filed under: Work — by at 6:38 pm on Thursday, August 11, 2011

I don’t recall when the perk was first implemented, but my CFO insists on it every time I return from errands outside of the office.

Let me explain…

My CFO, aka Faith, my Chief Feline Officer, greets me at the front door and then jumps on my indoor scooter before I even park my outside one beside it.

She assumes the position and then waits…for an invigorating back massage; the duration of which is directly proportionate to have long I have been away. I was there for a while after my two weeks in Mississauga.

Rubbing her face on the scooter controls gives a new meaning to the phrase “face off”.

She does not not relinquish my scooter until she is adequately massaged.

(The only sounds are background noise, one meow, and purring; hence, no captioning.)

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Comment by Sue

August 12, 2011 @ 8:20 am

I think your CFO has trained you very well, Glenda!

(My little Purr Princess, who lost her older “brother” a year ago, is more needy than ever. When I return from a trip — usually once a month now — she does not stop purring for a full two hours nor does she let me out of her sight. She, however, doesn’t have the added benefit of a captive audience on a scooter! Spoiled little ragamuffins, aren’t they? What would we do without ’em?)

Comment by Glenda

August 12, 2011 @ 12:42 pm

Sue, yes, Faith has trained me very well – like when to take her room service so that she’ll finish her “kitty smoothie” (pill in disguise). Now she settled on my desk, right beside me.

There’s no better sound than a kitty purring. Enjoy!

Comment by satsumabug

August 12, 2011 @ 12:49 pm

Yay cats! Mine likes to sit by my chair as I’m working.

Comment by Sue

August 12, 2011 @ 1:31 pm

Oh yes, Glenda!! That kitty motor rumbling thru their tiny little bodies!!! Kassie used to fall asleep on my head (when she was MUCH smaller) and it was like a little vibrating head massage.

Kassie has me trained, too. We do treats disguised as exercise. I toss them (they are wheel shaped and roll across the floor) and she runs after them. She gets four a night, back and forth. About 6:45pm every night. I tell you what, if I haven’t done her treats by 7pm, I hear about it! Loud and clear!! I actually recorded video of her once, and now when she bugs me I play it back. And she leaves the room! (Check out if you want to see her yelling at me! )

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