Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Pumping Iron: The Next Step in Increasing Productivity in the 4-Hour Workday

Filed under: 4-Hour Workday — by at 7:54 pm on Thursday, May 2, 2013

Even with eliminating my breakfast orange juice – the likely suspect for the drop in my energy levels back in March, I was still experiencing a significant lack of energy, headaches and other unexplainable, nonspecific aches and pains. It was time to visit my doctor who, in turn, sent me to see the vampire.

Yesterday I received the results. I have an extremely low iron level; even below the range of low level of iron. That likely explains my tiredness, headaches, my achy arms and legs, my nightly jumpy legs that I put down to my cerebral palsy even though I don’t recall having jumpy legs a few years ago.

I am now taking an over-the-counter iron supplement and I need to check in with my doctor monthly for the next three months, then he will order more blood work. This is totally treatable.

You have no idea how much of a relief this is to me. Not only because it is something fairly easy to fix, but also because it is not my fault other than, perhaps, for not eating the right foods. I have been so hard on myself in recent months for not focusing, for not applying myself, for being lazy. When, actually, my body was not getting what it needed to function properly. I was running on less than fumes without even knowing it. Now with this new piece of knowledge, I can release all of the guilt and move forward and upwards from here, even though it might be a slow process.

From this experience I have learned two lessons:

  1. Knowing thy body and really paying attention when something is out of whack is crucial.
  2. At times consulting a doctor (or medical professional) is necessary. Sometimes they actually have the answers.

How is this relevant to the 4-Hour Workday?

Simple. Making the most of the 4-Hour Workday is about more than using the right tools and strategies, about more than productivity. Making the most of the condensed work day means your energy and focus need to be at their optimal level, whatever that level is for you. Mine was low and my work was suffering; I was struggling to get even four hours of work in each day and I was berating myself for that, daily, which didn’t do much to my motivation or self-confidence; ironically, the berating was wasting of precious energy.

The release of the first ebook of the 4-Hour Workday series will be slightly delayed while I finish writing it within my wavering energy levels. The good news from this is that the topic for Ebook #2 is beginning to reveal itself. Visit for more about this project.

How do you know when your health is at your optimal levels? Feel free to share in the comment section below.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Lili

May 3, 2013 @ 8:50 am

Iron supplements can be very constipating, so watch out for that. If you don’t get your iron up quick enough you may need injections. I’ve experienced this and wanted you to be in the know. Hope you feel better soon.

Comment by Glenda

May 3, 2013 @ 12:24 pm

Lili, thank you for the heads up! I am already feeling the positive effects: my arms aren’t achy and my legs weren’t jumpy last night. Woohoo!

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