Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

A Few Less-than Productive Days Are OK, Right?

Filed under: 4-Hour Workday — by at 12:06 pm on Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I did not start the day with my list of 6 things written down; a strategy I have learned is needed for a successful 4-Hour Workday. I did have a few tasks in my mind that I wanted to accomplish, but I kept them in my mind, which became blurry as the day went on.

I did not log my start time in my spreadsheet.

i didn’t track the time spent on each task. I intended to keep track of the time in my head and then record it in the spreadsheet when I got to it, which I never did.

I did spend an inordinate amount of time on Michelle Vandepas’ Amazon boot camp activities (which I highly recommend) in attempts to get my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself to #1 in its category on Amazon; it remains stuck at #2. I now have a greater understanding of how Amazon is a self-contained search engine and how Amazon rankings are based on a combination of Likes, Tags and Reviews (social proof), internal links via Lists and Guides, and, ultimately, sales. This understanding will benefit my future book launches and promotions.

I did have a late lunch with my husband before he left to teach his evening classes.

i did send a follow up email that I had been putting off for a week because I perceived the recipient as a much bigger fish than I and I felt tongue-tied.

i did leave my desk long enough to wash the kitchen floor multiple times. I concluded that the grimy, lack lustre look is not so much my poor housecleaning skills but rather the 22-year old linoleum that is simply wearing out. I then returned to my computer.

I did eat my supper at my computer while hanging out on Facebook and watching CTV’s Flashpoint online.

When I finally turned off my computer at 9pm, my lower back was sore, my bum was numb, and both feet were tingling, likely slightly swollen.

I did not shower as intended. Rather I climbed into bed to read and to be with my 16.5-year old kitty who is sleeping more and more.


I realized that emailing myself the 6 things to do and tracking my time spent on each task provides necessary structure and accountability for my 4-Hour Workday.

I realized that not every day is as productive as others. Some days I need time to think and to figure out things, and that doesn’t always happen when the clock is ticking. And, that is okay.

I realized that I need to have a compelling reason to turn off my computer after my 4 hours of work. As much as I need to be excited to “go to work” each morning, I need to be equally excited to leave work to go play. Turning off my computer to go wash the floor or clean the litter box doesn’t cut it; I need to find something that is as luring as purple macramé.


I have a new 24 hours to choose how I spend it.

How do you get back on track after having a less than productive day?

Please join me on this 4-Hour Workday journey.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Comment by Spashionista (Alicia)

October 10, 2012 @ 1:39 pm

Well you need to find something that turns you on, if you’ll pardon the expression. You need something to look forward to at the end of your workday that you find exciting to do. Perhaps even more than 1 thing. I know that I get bored very easily so I have several different hobbies.

On a totally unrelated note this is my first time using google voice on my new samsung Galaxy Note Pad and it rules! 😉

Comment by marylee

October 10, 2012 @ 10:05 pm

you know, this sounds so familiar!! I work from home, with several projects, business streams, and little structure. I try to create it with the lists for the next day’s work, etc., but find that I bounce between uncalled-for naps and dog walks and really working hard because I have let the pressure to do so build up. It’s very hard to keep an even keel and be completely and continually “busines-like.” and I could work unlimited hours, being “able -bodied” –if 69 and beginning to wear a bit thin, even if I do jog 45 minutes most days — but making 4 of those hours productive very day is really hard. (hope not future client is reading this). So reading your account, Glenda, was refreshing, reassuring, and it gave me some good ideas for carving away at these impediments of my own.

Comment by Paula Lee Bright

October 11, 2012 @ 3:09 pm

I’ve finally come to understand myself. When I have a less than productive day, it means I need it! I see all my reading students, of course, and give it my all.

But all the other business? The website, the social media, the this and that—I don’t love it well enough to have that be my focus. I don’t yet have my video lessons for struggling readers well-enough defined in my mind to create them yet. I’m still composing them. (That goes on all the time, because it’s my joy.

Teaching can be stressful, especially for kids who have issues, and spending some time leisurely dealing with my thoughts, my plans, and my solutions for how to solve kids’ problems all need time to unfold and be good ones.

So I finally climbed off the merry-go-round of what I should do about a year ago. And I’m so glad I did!

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