Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Appreciating Our Tiny Corner of Canada

Filed under: Motivation — by at 11:57 pm on Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monday, Canada Day, was a beautiful day for a photo wheel around False Creek in Vancouver.

These photo wheels are giving us a way to get out together to enjoy and to appreciate our local surroundings, on a budget we can afford. Now that is a lifestyle!

Here are the highlights. Be sure to click on each image to enlarge.

For some unexplainable reason, I found the “Now Selling” sign on the incomplete building amusing. I am always amazed when condo buildings sell out before they are built. How do you know, for sure, what you’re buying for several hundred of thousands of dollars?

Building under construction

My man enjoying his second love…

Darrell taking photos

A rather stiff individual…

A person carved into a tree stump, silvered with age

One of Vancouver’s icons: the “golf ball”, aka as Science World:

Science World

Wandering along the walkway, beautiful music was drifting from somewhere. We discovered the “piano man” playing at a “civic studio”, which invites anyone to sit down and tickle the ivories for a while. What a cool initiative!

Man playing a piano under the trees

The “golf ball” from another angle…

Science World viewed from afar, between two industrial light posts

A little further along, a group of costumed men appeared and started dancing. They were cycling around False Creek and dancing at random locations. This one happened to be next to the pub. Mere coincidence, I think not. As this was now the hottest time of the day….and, man, it was hot!…Darrell and I also stopped at a cafe…for a leisurely iced mocha. 

Men in ethnic costume dancing

Even though Darrell and I live in the city, mainly for the physical accessibility, our life is not void of the green of nature, which is all around us, if we take the time to look. I am intrigued by the layers in the following landscapes:the greenness, the water and boats, the cityscape and the mountains in the background. Beautiful!

Grasses in the foreground, BC Place Stadium in the background and False Creek in between

Purple flowers in the foreground, bridge in the background

Grassy shores, two Canadian geese on the water and cityscape in the distance

Grassy shoreline with towers in the distance

Canadian geese in the foreground, False Creek, cityscape and mountains in the background

The natural shoreline with the cityscape in the distance

“…God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee…

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Celebrating the Sights of Summer

Filed under: General — by at 5:44 pm on Friday, June 21, 2013

Last Sunday, which felt more like summer than today does, Darrell and I went on a photo wheel around local Holland Park. We are fortunate to have such a nice park only five blocks from home.

I’d like to share these sights with you. (Click on each image to enlarge.)

Bed of pink roses

Close up of four pink roses

A single yellow rose with a tinge of peach

Various shrubs in a variety of colours

Spikey purple flowers

Darrell in his wheelchair and using his monopod to take photos

A close up of tall grasses with soft fuzzies on the tips

Wishing you a happy and safe summer! Get out and enjoy it while it lasts.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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CreateSpace Makes Small Books Available Where Readers Buy Online

Filed under: 4-Hour Workday — by at 5:57 pm on Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I’ll Do It Myself by Glenda Watson HyattDid you know that with as few as 24 pages of content, you can have an actual book (you know those ORDs – Old Reading Devices) available for sale on Amazon through their CreateSpace service?

I became vaguely aware of Amazon’s print-on-demand service a few years ago, but I was reluctant to go down that route because I still had (and still do have) boxes of my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself sitting in my living room. I wasn’t keen on using CreateSpace until more of the already printed copies sold.

However, recently, this realization struck me: I was doing potential readers a disservice by not having paperbacks available on Amazon. Rather than having my book available where people buy millions of books online. I was expecting them to happen across my tiny website, to realize I had a book for sale and then to buy said book. How inconsiderate is that?

i am happy to say that I have corrected my thinking and that paperback copies of I’ll Do It Myself are now available on Amazon and on CreateSpace, (Of course, autographed copies are still available directly from this blog.)

Much too my relief, uploading my book to CreateSpace was relatively quick and painless. Actually, that was the easy part of the whole process.

Some individuals might say that by having the paperback format now available on Amazon creates a passive income. I say: bull hooey! I now need to ensure potential readers can find my book amidst the millions of other books; that requires work. It might not mean as much work as writing the book in the first place, but work is still needed nevertheless. I like to consider this as less-effort income, which, really, is way more accurate than passive income the big guys talk about.

Now that I know how easy CreateSpace is to use, I’ll be going through previously created content to see what I might be able to repackage and to offer to readers where they prefer to buy books. Of course, the goal will be to provide quality content of value; too much content offered on Amazon is lacking in value. Readers deserve better than that!

This plan dovetails nicely with the intent of the 4-Hour Workday: to generate more “less-effort income” so that I can get out and enjoy more of life. I know my Faith kitty would have approved.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Remembering My Beloved Faith

Filed under: General — by at 3:50 pm on Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Today is three weeks since I had to let go of my beloved Faith. Sadness still hangs heavy on my heart and the tears flow easily.

Faith was more than a pet to me. She was my constant companion, my friend, for seventeen years. Even when people weren’t around, she was. She didn’t mind my Glenda-ish or my jerky movements. She enjoyed her invigorating massages when I came home and she told me when she had had enough.

Wednesday, May 15th, was the first (and, sadly, the last) time she didn’t greet me when I came home. Now coming home is not the same; there is no pure joy to greet me.

Our lives were so entwined. The other day I was focusing on getting my autobiography up on CreateSpace (watch for an announcement soon), which was keeping the tears at bay for a while. I needed to write a short author bio, so I grabbed mine from Amazon’s author page. I updated about now being a motivational speaker (although I am not feeling very motivational or even motivated at the moment). Then further down was the line:

Glenda now lives in Surrey (near Vancouver) not far from where she attended elementary school. Although Glenda feels like she has gone full circle, this time around living in the area she has her husband of 15 years, Darrell, who also has cerebral palsy which makes life twice as interesting, and her 16 year old feline kid Faith.

The tears started, again. My initial response was to delete those few words. But that didn’t feel right. Faith cannot simply be deleted (with a few keystrokes) from my life. After some thought overnight, i revised the sentence to read “…and memories of her beloved seventeen year old Faith kitty.” Perhaps that is not how author bios are to be written, but that is what feels right to me at the moment.

Like my husband Darrell, Faith had been beside me the whole way on my journey from being non-verbal to becoming a motivational speaker. The discerning reader will find her presence on my speaker site.

Here’s a little secret few people know: in my stocking several Christmases ago I received socks with a cat applique. They became my Faith socks and, when they were easily found while packing, i took them on every trip. I always had Faith with me whenever I presented. I can’t imagine giving a presentation without my Faith and I am not sure I can wear the socks without tearing up.

Faith is everywhere yet nowhere.

Earlier today I put some clean clothes from the dryer onto the bed to put away later. She would have jumped onto the bed and snuggled in on the edge of the pile for a nap until I came to put them away.

Faith curled up on clean laundry on bed

She then would have jumped into the armoire when I opened a door or drawer. Next she probably would have been up on my scooter chair arm while I was hanging up the rest of my clothes and trying to jump onto the high closet shelf. She managed to do that a few times. Or, of course, into the linen closet. She opened the door herself, particularly during stormy weather if I didn’t open it for her first.

Faith napping in the linen closet

Even when showering, she was there. She would jump onto the shower bench, beside me, for a pat or two. After I pulled the curtain closed, she would poke her head in around the other side of the curtain to make sure I was still there, then she would settle down on my scooter and wait. When I was done, I’d say, “Faith, Mommy needs her chair now, please,” and she’d jump down like she had a clue what I had said. Although, in recent months, she needed extra encouragement to relinquish my chair.

Likewise, in recent weeks, when I climbed into bed she would be on my chair before I had barely stood up. Looking back on those evenings, I’m not sure if she was telling me it was bedtime or if it was her chair time. I guess it was the same result. And, after not too long, she would jump back over to the bed to cuddle and purr – the best sound in the world!

No matter where I was or what I was doing, Faith wasn’t far away.

faith asleep on my desk

The other night Darrell commented that Faith and I weren’t intertwined, but that we were one, just in two different forms. And that people who didn’t see that were blind. (No offense intended.) Perhaps that is why a part of me feels like it is missing.

Well intending people have asked me about getting another kitty; one asked even before Faith’s ashes had been returned. Another individual said that I would forget about Faith. How could I ever forget a seventeen year friendship?

Faith cannot be replaced and she will never be forgotten. Her little kitty paws are too tightly wrapped around my heart for that to happen. With time, the tears will likely be replaced with happy memories. But, for now, I am sad and missing my kitty like stink…and that is okay. Nothing says life needs to be a perpetual state of happiness.

A beautiful closeup of Faith and her captivating green eyes

Mommy loves Faith. Now and forevermore.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Want to Know How Talk to People in Wheelchairs? Start with Hello!

Filed under: Accessibility 100 — by at 6:49 pm on Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Glenda wearing a leather jacket and a big smileEarlier today I read, on a major blog, an article about what never to say to people in wheelchairs. However, I will not dignify it with a link.


For two reasons:

First, It assumes all people in wheelchairs have the same look, feelings and opinions. News flash! We are not a homogenous group.

Second, it assumes all people in wheelchairs are angry, grumpy and bitter. Contrary to that assumption, some of us are happy and content individuals. We even have a wicked sense of humour!

The article gave the genuinely curious reader nothing useful when approaching wheelchair people – as if we need to be approached differently than walkies.

If our paths should cross one day and you are unsure how to start a conversation, start with “Hello!” We can both take it from there.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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