Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt

Motivational Speaker

Author Reveals Her Biggest Challenge as a Writer

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 4:21 pm on Thursday, February 15, 2007

The yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz
I envisioned this scene from my favourite childhood movie when I learned I was off to Kansas today.
from: The Wizard of Oz

Today, I am following the yellow brick road to Olathe, just outside of Kansas City, to speak with Yara Nielsenshultz of Red Pepper Writing. Yara understands exactly how hard writing can be. She knows how frustrating, time-consuming, soul-wrenching, and tedious it can be …and how glorious writing can be!

In today’s interview with Yara, I share my biggest challenge as a writer and how I work around it, as well as my writing process. Chatting with a fellow writer who also writes in her head was so refreshing. Enjoy.

Please come back tomorrow – or sign up (in the upper right corner) to receive blog updates in your email – because I am being interviewed by a special mystery blogger. This interview will be a first for me (and for the blogger). Don’t miss it!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Virtual Book Tour Takes Glenda to Arizona

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 2:08 pm on Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Excitedly I am off to Mesa, Arizona, to hang out with my sister Pam Slim. We met through her blog Escape from Cubicle Nation, where Pam coaches people on how to go from corporate prisoner to thriving entrepreneur. As you can imagine, she has a large and ever-increasing following!

It was her post in which she realized there is, indeed, room for her book with her unique experiences amongst the crowded bookshelf that drew me to her. We connected at the writer level. She then kindly interviewed me for her March 2006 newsletter. From there, we have become sisters, offering each other support, comic relief and a gentle kick when needed, usually late at night. My autobiography I’ll Do It Myself received its first accolade by being named one of Pam’s Top 10 Favourite Things.

Enjoy our chat and feel free to leave a comment or question.

Congratulations Pam on landing your radio show and on the pending addition your family! Wishing you every success, sis. Happy Valentine’s Day.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Making the Most of the Gifts Life Gives Us

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 3:15 pm on Tuesday, February 13, 2007

After an enjoyable brunch with my aunt and uncle, my virtual book tour takes me back to Chicago to chat with Wendy Piersall. (Chicago is definitely a happening place for bloggers!) Wendy’s blog offers moms (and some dads) valuable insights into the true work at home lifestyle, challenges, myths, and rewards. The blog offers real-time insights into starting and running a home-based business. Reading her blog, Wendy is no stranger to overcoming challenges herself.

In my chat with Wendy, we discuss blogging, viral marketing, entrepreneurialism, and the gifts life gives us. And, I must say that she asked the most challenging and thought-provoking questions so far on this virtual book tour. A couple of them still have me thinking.

Enjoy the interview and then come on back to order your own copy of I’ll Do It Myself!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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At Home with Glenda

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 11:05 pm on Monday, February 12, 2007

After three long days of installing, configuring and frantically searching for various passwords, my new computer is nearly set up. I knew the process would be long when the first step was to burn a system recovery DVD and, due to a rare incompatibility glitch in the software, my DVD burner would not burn DVDs for this; only CDs – eighteen of them! Three hours later, my friend Paul was able to begin installing software. My husband Darrell and I have been installing and tweaking for two days. But all this is worth it; I no longer need to wait three minutes for Outlook to open (seriously!) and I now have enough hard drive space to download podcasts and such. Now all I need is a thumb upgrade!

Given my weekend, I figured today would be a good day to have my virtual book tour stop by my home for an intimate book reading. After all, what is a book tour without the occasional book reading? And what better place to begin than at the beginning? Sit back and enjoy….

I entered this world one Friday morning in early November, 1966, in Vancouver, British Columbia. A light dusting of snow covered the ground. Mom said the North Shore Mountains looked like upside down pink ice cream cones as the sun rose outside her hospital room window.

My parents were living in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, but Mom’s doctor wanted her to give birth at Grace Hospital in Vancouver. Nanaimo did have a hospital, but according to Mom’s doctor, it was merely a first aid post in a hospital building. Any serious cases were airlifted to Victoria or Vancouver. Perhaps it was doctor’s intuition that wanted her at the best maternity hospital in the province at that time.

Mom travelled over to Vancouver in mid-October to stay with her parents, my Nana and Papa, while Dad stayed in Nanaimo to work. Mom and Nana enjoyed those couple of weeks before my birth, shopping for baby things at Woodward’s $1.49 Day. If Mom’s relationship with Nana was anything like my relationship with Mom, I have no doubt that they had silly fun and good laughs during those two weeks.

Mom had a normal pregnancy, and everything was fine up until my actual arrival. Then the situation became somewhat scary and uncertain. Mom had a reaction to the Xylocaine epidural and went into convulsions. The doctor had to pull me out with forceps, which meant I didn’t have time to read the instructions on my way down the chute. I missed the fine print on needing to breathe immediately.

One doctor worked on reviving Mom, while another one worked on saving me. Luckily, a pediatrician specialist was just leaving the hospital and was called back to try to get me breathing. Perhaps it wasn’t a coincidence that the specialist was there at that particular moment. He was probably one of the angels sent to save me that day. It was touch and go for a while. Dad nearly lost both of us.

I definitely would not have held my breath for six minutes had I known what hassles it would cause for the rest of my life. Talk about learning from experience. You would think the first lesson for a newborn would be somewhat easier!

I was blue for a good part of my first day and was placed in the “no touch zone” as the intensive care nursery was called in those days. Only the doctors and nurses were allowed to touch me. Mom could only stand at the window and watch me. Apparently she would not go back to her room until she saw me move. She prayed hard that day that I would live. Live I did!

Read from I’ll Do It Myself, © Glenda Watson Hyatt, 2006.

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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Virtual Book Tour Takes Glenda to Ohio

Filed under: Virtual Book Tour — by at 5:03 pm on Friday, February 9, 2007

Today finds me off to Findlay, Ohio, to chat with Tracey Lawton. (I need to find a map to see where all these places are!) Tracey is a certified Master Virtual Assistant. Through her business Tracey Lawton Transcription & Admin, she provides professional speakers, coaches, and authors with business support so that they can spend more time doing what they do best. Sounds like a busy author’s dream!

In my interview with Tracey, I share how I came up with there brilliant idea of doing a 40-blog-in-40-days virtual book tour as a way to promote my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself and the biggest challenge I faced when publishing it.

Thank you for joining me for the third week of my book tour. The response I have been receiving is amazing! Please continue to spread the word. And, if you would like to host an appearance, have a look at my schedule and let me know what date works for you.

This weekend my new computer is being hooked up, so I’ll be “down” for while. I should be back up and raring to go on Monday for another exciting week on tour and a special mystery blogger on Friday!

Have a great weekend!

If you enjoyed this post, consider buying me a chai tea latte. Thanks kindly.

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